
Hope Goop doesn’t have to scramble to make these payments

Short list (for fun I’m including statutory rapists):

This is terrible news for many reasons, but it also sounds like Marquez had something important to add to the #MeToo movement if anyone had been willing to listen.

So now every idiot with a podcast and an opinion counts as film critic? I actually think RT has too many reviewers already, when two thirds of them are from people and publications that you’ve never heard of (meaning likely little to no editorial standards). If I wanted to know what every schnook thought of a movie

I wish Ansari would come back, and not this guy. Ansari was a jackass and he could do good by learning about and commenting on consent. But I always felt he wasn’t at the level at some of these guys. He was just a creep, but one that could be taught, and start a real conversation that could be helpful.

58008 is fine, but that extra 31 just adds so much more naughty-snigger value.

It’s super frustrating for me to see hime choke up and be all relatable without directly addressing what went on, and why he deserves to be back. On @Midnight, he frequently “kept it real” and called out public behavior, but now he’s a sniveling sorry-boi but won’t either say a) it was all bullshit and he deserves to

The real reason he endorse Trump.

Maybe this is just me speaking for myself, but I think dating someone less than half your age is intrinsically creepy.

They’ve certainly put a bird on it.  I don’t know about egg.

I would add

Imagine the Lucas fanboys’ shock if they learned that the best Star Wars movie wasn’t even directed by their hack idol.

Of course. How could they possibly keep such a prodigious talent off the air? What would this country be without men like Chris Hardwick being moderately affable and asking softball questions? His job is far too essential to let a woman’s wellbeing take precedence.

What a perfect episode. It had everything you could want in it.

I literally threw my hands up at the idiotic, completely predictable, and unmotivated seduction scenes, and laughed out loud at the emotional “climaxes.” This show has always had problems presenting credible characters in believable plots (the viewpoint thing was always the gimmick), but it’s rapidly racing toward the

I always preferred Matchbox because the wheels came off Hot Wheels cars after a while

“ensuring that the stories of Blanca, Damon, Angel, and the rest of the show’s cast won’t end after a single year.”

Who’s going to play Elon Musk, (who, I’m sure we can all agree, was the most important figure in this dramatic event)?

Politics Corner - Don’t Forget the Children edition. Family separation at the border is a human rights crisis we are responsible for. Whatever you did November 2016, this shit is still being done by your government, with your money, in your name.

Tiny Hands-er