
Troops are gonna get hungry!

What is left wing about treating people of all races, genders and orientations with respect?

Plan B From Outer Space

If they’re so against abortions, why do they keep making these movies?

If something has a name, you probably shouldn’t eat it.”

Exactly. Big, but carefully unspecific claims.

Plain bratwurst? Sure. Plain Italian sausage? Sure. Plain hotdog? The fuck is wrong with you?

I mean, there’s no shortage of racist TV networks that would probably be fine with a Roseanne show -- Fox, Fox News, Fox Business, the Hallmark Channel — but “I have tons of offers” and “I have tons of good offers” are different things, and the second is pretty subjective. I suspect it’s like Trump hiring “the best

I keep it simple with just mustard.  Mustard and mustard based sauces are vastly underappreciated, except for those who enjoy the South Carolina mustard BBQ sauce. Now that is something we should be singing the praises of more often.

Sounds vaguely like the proverbial Canadian girlfriend who can’t come to prom.

Fuck Mitch McConnell

This turned out to be one of my favorite shows of the year. Episode 5 is such amazing poetry (Joe Pera talks you back to sleep). I guess it’s my favorite.

By the end of every episode of this show I’m giving serious consideration to moving to the upper peninsula of Michigan.  Primarily because of the great location shooting, but also because the show makes me want to believe that life moves at such a leisurely pace up there.

Because some folks hate that Avatar is at #2 instead of Ferngully? (I haven’t seen the latter.)

Well, that sucks. Seriously, TBS, are you really in position to cancel one of your best shows? With Angie Tribeca’s fate apparently undecided, American Dad! getting lamer and lamer with each season, The Detour getting way too complicated for its own good and The Last OG only sort of working, you only have, what, Search

I think it’s really sad that Shawkat feels bad about not saying enough. She was the youngest person in the room, and shouldn’t be tasked with telling a bunch of grown men who are seasoned professionals to maybe let Walter be heard about something she experienced. That’s the kind of courtesy they should be capable of

Lauren Groff’s Florida explores the dark side of the Sunshine State

Anthony Hopkins’ presence really elevates this series.

Same. I think it fell into the common trap of “the more bizarre and off-kilter this is, the funnier it is.”

But, you know, ratings... big names... ad money... something something liberal bias.