
Too long — consult “Fuck” Lorre for advice!°

So if you eat them 3 times a day you are golden.

This summer, I went to a game where Engel made one of his ridiculous home-run robs, and it happened right in front of me. I enlarged the photo, framed it, and hung it on my wall, because the catch was amazing and I also looked OK in the photo.

Even if no superstar decides to sign with the White Sox, because they won’t, it’s just nice to have my team talked about every once and awhile 

This is art. Pure and simple. This is a performance with superlative meaning, designed to convey message without expressing it, and which demanded skill and dedication on the part of everyone involved, in the process defying, challenging, shattering assumptions and expectations. These, to me, are the hallmarks of what

Interesting comment. The only winning move is not to kinja.

Played correctly, tic tac toe is a game that can’t be won.  Am I the only person still alive who has seen the movie “War Games?”

I have to say, I really loved this show, consistently over its entire run. It was the rare sitcom (animated or not) where the characters changed and grew, a bit. It was REALLY rare for an animated show to do this, but I especially remember things like Dale and Nancy’s marriage becoming stronger, and her romance with

Bangalter? I just met ‘er!

Can’t he just shut up? Can’t the multi-millionaires of this country just quietly shut the fuck up and enjoy their money?

Hot plate.

Congrats 53% White Women Trump Lovers. Enjoy the political sexual harassment to your civil liberties to come, you grabbed pussies, you. 

Susan Collins should’ve had to make that condescending, trashfire speech to Dr. Ford’s face.

I feel fucking terrible for Dr. Blasey Ford.

Welp, that was a dud. Solid Matt Damon/Kavanaugh cold open aside, it seemed like the focus kept going from Pete Davidson and his annoying Ariana Grande engagement bullshit to Kanye and his confusing mélange of underwhelming new music and tired MAGA-support “controversy.” Half the time, I forgot Adam Driver was even

At this point, I’m kind of left scratching my head over what positive contribution Lucas made to Star Wars besides the basic concept.

Well, you only need to look at the movies Lucas made without Kurtz to recognize what a vital contribution he made to Lucasfilm’s productions.

Cast Vincent Kartheiser as a needy, attention-seeking Joker, and I’ll go see it five times on the opening weekend.

After that pre-sex greeting video, I think we can all agree that Dennis is the most casually terrifying psychopath on TV right now... or ever.