
I remember a while back something was trending on Twitter that blew my mind. Many people were Tweeting about how if you left butter out until it was at room temperature, it would be easier to spread. Wow, what a revelation! No one had known that except everyone who has ever eaten butter for the last 5,000 years(or

“I have daughters, so I...” has replaced “thoughts and prayers” as my least favorite quote from politicians and celebrities.

The arrogance of missionaries, of any faith, is astonishing. They think they are “saving” poor, unfortunate people.  This guy got what he deserved!

Why doesn’t NBC give her a live show every weekday at 3:00am?  Unless there is specific language in her contract, couldn’t they do that?  Then again, I’m kind of glad NBC is going to take it in the shorts on this one.  That’s what they get for hiring this mope.

Don’t Lunchables have like one third of the daily recommended sodium?

Tom Reagan from “Miller’s Crossing” brilliantly played by Gabriel Byrne. I don’t think “MC” is the Coen’s best film, but it’s my personal favorite.

When I first saw the doll, I thought it looked like Bill Bellamy.

I also live in the Chicago area, and what’s even worse than WLIT 93.9's decision to start playing Christmas music so early, is their choice of songs. There is some really good Christmas music out there, but Lite-FM doesn’t seem to be aware of that fact.  They play the same twenty-or-so awful Christmas songs.

A truly great, if somewhat overlooked series.  “Aisle 8A” was my favorite episode.

How about a nice game of chess?

Ignore all of these mopes!

What’s the deal with out-of-touch millionaire celebrities repeatedly putting their feet in their mouths?  That, and airplane peanuts.

Rush - “Witch Hunt”.

Not only is our thin crust pizza great, the way it is cut(party-, tavern-, square-) is a far more practical way to cut and eat thin crust pizza.  Those giant triangle shaped pieces seem unwieldy and difficult to control.

Regular M&M’s and mixed, salted nuts. This is the most obvious version of trail mix but it is delicious!

I’m so glad NBC is eating shit for hiring this clueless crackpot.

The catch?  Their food is awful.

Melania is a birther too, so to Hell with her.

See, this is the kind of skit SNL should be doing.  Wait, I’m being told that Fox News is a real thing.  Never mind.

I think people have turned away from the AMA’s because they are afraid someone might get injured by that pointy award statue.  That’s why I stopped watching.