
Tell us more about how sucking up to a rich dude with thin skin makes you feel.

Little girl: What was the apex of civilization like daddy?

truly incredible collection of comedic talent

Wow, network TV has lost me completely, now. If Fox keeps Ghosted while cancelling these shows, then I’ll be angry.

Brooklyn 99 never got the ratings it deserved but I think, or at least hope, that in a few years from now it will be looked back upon as a truly incredible collection of comedic talent. 

Still better than being dead!

A lot of people are attributing this to Trump-era political focus, but I think another important factor is that Fallon is a hack comedian and sycophantic interviewer, whereas Colbert is actually good at his job. That might also be part of it.

Now playing

Another favorite line of mine from a Mr. Show tune: “And when he came back, he never came back.”

Sometimes I feel, I spread my life too thin...

I was about to be quite upset about no Mayostard reference in this thread, but you came through like a champion.

Yeah, the saltines comparison is unfair. Saltines help people who are sick to their stomach, whereas Paul Ryan makes people sick to their stomach.

But have they solved the problem of the mayostard expiring before the mustardayonnaise?

In case anyone forgot, just yesterday Roseanne Barr tweeted lies about David Hogg, one of the Parkland survivors who is now leading the charge on March for our Lives. And she spread lies about Pizzagate being real. And she spread false rumors about Kamala Harris’ sex life. And she claimed the Obamas wanted to instate

I haven’t gotten around to looking for the widespread outrage from the conservative community about this clear violation of free speech, but I’m sure it crashed a few servers.

Enough with the anti-human pro-PETA nonsense that all zoos are bad. If we did not have zoos, I guaran-damn-tee you we’d have fewer people who care about conservation and saving endangered species.

I don’t know of any occasion - ever - when someone arrived midway through a television series and turned out to be such an asset.

Watching prior episodes the drama with Burns and his simple hubristic vanity and his quarrels with Hoolihan are nothing but quaint. Winchester actually made for an interesting antagonist

The stuttering engineer who was getting teased by the other soldiers was another good one too.

His Winchester highlights:

I don’t like the new tiebreaker expansion into non-tournament games. Those folks at Sony must be a bunch of tightwads.