
This is great news!

This show is amazing! This episode is amazing! The writing, acting, direction, music selection, everything is great. Billy Porter’s cover of Donny Hathaway’s “For All We Know” destroyed me. What a directorial debut for Janet Mock. I have been on the fence about getting a Netflix subscription, but now that Ryan Murphy

If I have to choose between surrendering my privacy or becoming a Juggalo, going to have to get back to you on that one.

If men got pregnant, abortions would be available at Starbucks.


Wait, there’s going to be a Civil War tomorrow?  What the hell am I supposed to do with all this potato salad I made today?

This sounds exactly like one of Trump’s boastful lies.

That’s All Folks!

Would you be willing to spend three dollars if it were the “Egg McMuffin!”?

I hope all the assholes who voted for Jill Stein or couldn’t “get exited” about voting for Hillary Clinton are happy.  This is partly your fault.  Also, fuck anyone who doesn’t vote!

Strawberries and plain Greek yogurt. Tastes almost as good as whipped cream, but healthier.

Why do people care so much about box office totals? Other that the studios, investors, and anyone with a cut of the revenues nobody else should give a good Goddamn about these numbers.

I hope this documentary looks into his acting, especially his dramatic rolls. While he won the Oscar for “Good Will Hunting”, I thought his work in “One Hour Photo” was astonishing.

I soak most of the meat I cook in a brine solution of one cup of kosher salt dissolved into four quarts of water. You don’t have to brine it for very long and it doesn’t add any saltiness to the flavor, just brakes up the connective tissue to create juicier meat. You can add other ingredients to the liquid to alter

Oh yeah, and he also married his daughter.

I feel sorry for the rest of the cast and the crew of the show, but screw ABC. I love seeing big media companies take it in the shorts when they go for the big bucks at the expense of common decency and common sense. Just look at the NBC/Megyn Kelly debacle. Did any of the executives at The Peacock Network watch any

I’m so disappointed in Grimes for dating this mope.

Boy, that monologue bit just kept going. Also, I love John Mulaney, but I respectfully disagree that his Diner-Lobster/Les Mis sketch was the best of the season.

I guess Jack Donaghy has a heart after all.

This steaming pile of nostalgia gets a second season and Brooklyn Nine-Nine gets canceled? Welcome to Trump’s America.