
Stacey, I admire you for not descending into madness during this journey.

Alton Brown’s “Good Eats” had a great episode about hot peppers. He went into the history of the Scoville scale and the science of how the capsaicin burns the tongue. He urged using milk, but recommended spitting out the first mouthful after swishing it around so as not to send more of the hot stuff into your stomach.

TV1 was still showing “The Cosby Show” as of today.

I thought the “Sitcom Reboot” sketch was great, but the “Diner Lobster” was just okay. Weird generally doesn’t work very well on SNL. Python and Kids In The Hall did the weird sketch thing the best.

I’ve always been partial to opening credits from “The Talented Mr. Ripley”. Great movie as well!

He will no longer enjoy eating Trump’s ass when he retires.

To the person worried about explaining bruises to her swimming partners, tell them you participate in a contact sport. Rugby maybe?

Trump* has failed to call some of the mass shooting survivors and the families of fallen troops, but he made sure to call Rosanne Barr. If President Obama had done something like that, conservatives would have lost their minds. As far as the show, I watched the first two episodes and my reaction was “meh”. Decent

Good on you! Congratulations!

Maybe it didn’t make the list because it was made for TV, but “Duel” deserved a mention.

Calling ketchup slices an “abomination” is a bit strong. I would call them an affront to humanity.

Could we have a moratorium on members of live (or live-on-tape) audiences yelling, “Woooooo!” all the time? We hear it on most shows these days and I find it really annoying. What’s wrong with just laughing or applauding. Back in my day...


Passion of the Christ 2:Christ is Back and This Time it’s Personal!

I realize that most entertainment awards are BS, but last night’s Grammys were ridiculous. Bruno Mars beats out SZA, Kendrick Lamar, and Jay-Z? SZA shut out completely? Then, Recording Academy president Neil Portnow’s tone-deaf statement about the lack of female nominees. Christ!

“Indiana Jones and the Quest for a Nice, Comfortable Chair”.

I’m so glad Delta is stepping up and doing something about this bullshit. Most of these people just want to be able to travel with their animals. There are almost no standards for what constitutes a “service animal” and these house pets just interfere with seeing-eye dogs and animals that help people with legitimate

The ending of sketches has never been SNL’s strong suit, but lately, especially this season, they actually seem to be getting worse at it. Sketches end abruptly, or in a weird way, or both. Then again, considering the quality of the writing, maybe it’s a good thing that the some of the sketches are shorter.

With Trump as our President, we are becoming a “shithole country”. Also, why would anyone from Norway want to live here?

It was a rousing speech, but I don’t think she should be our next President. The reaction to an unqualified, former TV host being elected to the Presidency shouldn’t be, “Hey, let’s try that again!”. There are many more capable people for the job.