
Home Run Inn frozen pizza is probably the best frozen pizza on the planet. No shame involved!

I declare U2's new album “very shitty”.

Conservative snowflakes are afraid of words.

I think that there is life on other planets. I don’t think they pile into spaceships and come here to sodomize hillbillies.

So sad! RIP.

I’ve got to agree with Hodgman. The fact that you don’t cut a hot dog in half clinched it for me.

The “za” sketch wasn’t absurd, it just sucked. This show gets worse every week, and it wasn’t that great to begin with.

On top of everything else, they made him stand in a puddle.

Most SNL sketches for the last fifteen seasons: One joke, repeated with slight variations for seven minutes, and then the applause sign lights up. Yeesh! Also, U2 needs to just go away now.

I couldn’t agree more! I’m surprised at how many letters like this appear in Savage Love and elsewhere. DTMFA.

If Ford truly wants to be heroic, he would turn in his pilot’s license before he takes down a jumbo jet.

My favorite fictional religion is Catholicism (how’s that for biting satire?).

Good on you, A.V. Club!

Questions like, “How could anyone have found the original sketch funny?”, or “Who thought this animated special was a good idea?”.

Now I know why my local grocery store ran out of aluminum foil today.

At the beginning of the faux funeral scene, I winced a bit. I was worried they were getting too whimsical; but as the scene unfolded, I totally bought into it. Great writing and acting.

I couldn’t agree more!

That’s nothing! George Costanza one told a woman he coined the phrase, “Pardon my French”.

It’s a good thing Mike Pence’s Mommy/Wife was there to protect him from those scary Black men.

This guy is so annoying! I never understood why so many people had a problem with Arthur Chu. I can’t wait until Austin Rogers gets bounced.