
Sorry to read that Black-ish! won’t get regular coverage.

I’m about halfway through Felipe Eaparza’s HBO Special and it’s hilarious!

What a catalog he has!

Trump is a birther. Trump took out full-page ads in newspapers to call for the return of the death penalty for the Central Park Five. He has hired at least three white supremacists for his administration. He is a racist, plain and simple. He must be impeached.

When are we going to hit bottom with this guy? We're barely seven months into the Birther-In Chief's first(!) term and I just don't know where this ends. The Republican party has totally abdicated its responsibility to our country and any sense of common decency. I think Bob Mueller's investigation is our only hope.

Good news ladies; they're single! (I mean come on, these suckholes can't possibly have girlfriends or wives.)

I didn't know that the arrows/bolts shot from the Scorpion had poison in them. Is that from the books?

"Transparent" is starting to air on Sundance tonight at 9:00pm CDT. I can't wait to start watching it! (I don't have Amazon Prime)

Wouldn't making children perform improv be considered a human rights violation?

I'm at Lollapalooza right now, and Local Milk People just took the stage.


He should have spit in Christie's nachos. Too bad it wasn't a White Sox fan.

The Mooch, The Mooch, The Mooch has been fired! (With a dry, cool wit like that…)


I wish these hoopleheads would get their acts together and get this thing made!

(SPOILER ALERT - OBVIOUSLY) I thought I would be numb to the death of a beloved character by now, what with Ned and the Red Wedding. However, Yara's death really bummed me out. I guess that's part of the genius of this show. If she's actually dead, that is. You never know with "GOT".

I am devastated by this news. (Now THAT'S sarcasm!)

Another movie with video game CGI and super slow-mo action sequences. Yawn…

I agree. This would be a bad idea anyway, but in Trump's America? Yikes!

I'm not sure that's correct. If you torch your own stuff(or dwelling), I think The Man is going to come down on you pretty hard.