
I hope thresome lebsiam MIFL porm online. It's my favorite!

I'm glad people around the globe are starting to look at Angela Merkel as the leader of the free world. The U.S. deserves to lose that standing. Any country that elects Trump as president should be marginalized when it comes to important international matters.

"Dick Scanner" was my old radio name.


Get back to me when someone plays a Butthole Surfers song with an actual butthole surfer.

Gilfoyle: "I hate to invoke the Nazarene, but, Jesus Christ, what the fuck, Richard?"


The problem with most of the sketches and taped pieces on the season finale is a problem SNL has struggled with for a long time; repetition. One joke, repeated over and over with slight variations, for six minutes and then the applause sign lights up announcing the end of the sketch.

How? Stupidity.

The power of Christ will compel me to watch this documentary.


MLB was amazing in "My Favorite Year". A fantastic movie - highly recommended!

Zero is an even number.

I just realized how much Chaffetz resembles Seth MacFarlane. Brittany Murphy did voice work on "King Of The Hill", an animated show that was on Fox, along with MacFarlane's "Family Guy". Also, chemtrails.

That intro bit of music has a name. It's called "Oriental Riff" and has a (short) Wikipedia page. Also, this video is an abomination.

"48 Hours" on CBS Saturday night at 9:00pm (10:00pm EDT) is titled "The Golden State Killer". Patton Oswalt is interviewed about his late wife, Michelle McNamara, and her work investigating these crimes.

The final scene was too similar to the ending of "The Sopranos" for my money. Except for the sound of a nursing baby.

Hate to see Frank Langella leave the show. He is amazing! Also, "Portlandia" should get a wig report. Their wig game is second only to "The Americans".

MWC was one of the most awful shows in the history of television. I'm not sure which was the worst; the writing, the acting, or the obnoxious studio audiences. Yeesh!

Even though it has only been on the air for a few months, the actor playing the U.S. President right now has established himself as one of the most repellent characters in television history. The only problem I have with the role is that the portrayal seems far too over the top. I'm not sure if the blame for this lies…