
Oh gee, Trump lied and doesn’t give a shit about anything but photo ops where he can shove himself to the front? Surprising!

Pizza places on the boardwalk do, in fact, have secret codes. About ten years ago I somehow accidentally ordered pizza with weed sprinkled on it. I returned it to the flustered kid and got the plain slice I thought I’d asked for as he stammered about my “wording”.

“Something, something, the violence of liberals.”

Meanwhile, Vivi-Anne is still hoping for tacos

The Catholic Conference and the Boy Scouts continued lobbying to oppose the legislation, trotting out the same old argument: that its passage would open a floodgate of litigation that would inevitably bankrupt parishes, schools, and other institutions.

No need to be scared. Make sure the lid is properly threaded and tightened, before charging, and charge it with the base of the bottle on the counter (and not pointed at your chest, as this woman almost certainly did). Inspect the threads and the seal every once in a while, for damage or wear. The thing clearly

This story was tragic she spent her whole life in fitness treating her body like a temple exercising eating right , she probably thought I’ve done it I’ve beat whipped cream it cannot harm me. But all the time whipped cream was biding its time waiting for her to slip up and take her out. RIP hot French fitness

One sure sign this is correct: every single person (read: psycho) that has an inspirational quote in their email signature uses some odd ass font for the quote. Exponential crazy.

EDIT: Blah, mangled the vocabulary again. That should be House of Lords, not House of Commons.

Do you mean the House of Lords?

Now playing

But Mel Brooks told me that it’s good to be the king...?

They are mostly substances (like hyaluronic acid and collagen) that are synthetic mimics of substances already found in your skin and tissues. Like Botox, they slowly get metabolized by the body over several months. That’s why they need to be touched up/reinjected every 6 months or so.

In general, the rest of the world aren’t nearly as uptight as Americans about slurs of any type, misogynist, racial or otherwise.

Well I’m a small R republican (i.e. one of those who think we should do away with the monarchy) and the main argument by those who still support it is an economic argument but this is weak at best, especially when compared to trade and tourism with other European nations with and without monarchies anymore.

I dunno but it does kinda make me wanna rage a la Rick and Summer

“Cunt” is not as sexually charged of a word in the UK.

This is Courtney after she left her fillers dissolve and before. She looks freakin FAB!!! I hope this discourages others from overdoing it. They seriously make people look so much older. And she is such a natural beauty!!! I’ve always rooted for her to have a better career.

It’s used differently in the UK, way WAY more common and WAY less offensive. Maybe comparable to “asshole.” (actual UK residents, feel free to help me out here.)

UK Update: