Ever since I read this in Polygon this is all I can think about
Ever since I read this in Polygon this is all I can think about
I don’t see anything wrong with this. Because your hair IS your head suit.
**clicks “Follow kittenmenorahshop”**
I need this link right now
I don’t know, man. Coffee usually kicks my system into gear.
Exhibit A: Traction alopecia, how to get
Nit-picky, but Heather Nauert is not the UN Ambassador, she withdrew herself from consideration. She is currently the acting Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs at State.
It’s achingly clear that he caved to open the government temporarily on Friday to a) cover up the Roger Stone news and b) get his primetime TV appearance back from Nancy, during which he will breach all sorts of decorum.
The DOS exchanges budget for this fiscal year actually came in about 9% higher than requested because congress actually knows that exchanges are extremely effective. Also, it looks like Fox is going to kick in some funds, too.
I’d like to live in a world where Lumberg from Office Space and Zorg from Fifth Element are the same person.
I still call it “Labor Daybor” and make references to poly-mascot-foamalate. Good jorb, Rachel.
When I heard it, I immediately yelled “NEW RINGTONE”. I love it.
This is my favorite thread of the year so far. Russian translation semantics always puts me in a great mood.
We were there last summer and one of them was out of order - the lock didn’t adjust the glass as it normally would. My friend, thinking it was a statement about HB2, gamely went about her business, thinking that it was one way glass. Until someone walked by and gave her an embarrassed wave.