
If I remember my Dirt Bags correctly, Kim had some pretty tough pregnancy issues including that wingardium leviosa (sp) where you puke like...all day. Pregnancy sounds awful.

I’m in Vancouver and working in the field. It’s devastating.

Because these comments sections tend to devolve into a lot of bullshit on articles about opioids I’m offering, as someone who works in addictions research with, currently, a focus on opioids, to answer questions for folks that have questions.

I have chronic pain and was on opioids for 13 years, but was able to get off them by using medical marijuana.

And the third question is how to effectively treat pain. Because combating the opioid epidemic has to go hand in hand with figuring out better solutions for managing pain - and not cutting people off from opioids who actually need them - or else both problem will never get better.

I suspect he’s going into deep cover to distract us from his real next role: portraying Morrissey in a Smiths reunion tour (for which the band surely would receive well over $100 million), so that Morrissey doesn’t actually have to go on tour and Johnny Marr and Andy Rourke don’t have to be in the same room as

Actually, Gloria didn’t say that. She quoted an Irish American cab driver (female) who said that to Gloria when she was in the woman’s cab.

Not to dox myself, but I’ve escorted there. My friend and I joke that our protesters are the kind of people who go to brunch and tip their waiters with bible verses. They always leave before noon, so we assume that’s what they’re up to next.

Looking forward to all the people on this board who, during the election, claimed Hillary was as bad as Trump - who are all now pretending like they weren’t wringing their hands about the importance of 3rd parties and insisting on voting for the perfect gluten-free biodynamic political candidate of their choice

Good dad too. I’ve known him for about fifteen years and he and her mom are about as loving and supportive as it gets. I saw his pictures from Pride with them all wearing their matching t-shirts and I’m still talking about it online so I guess it was pretty damn cute.

I’m going to go ahead and assume that these people have neither read nor seen a production of Julius Caesar. Spoiler Alert: “We should totally just stab Caesar!” was not Shakespeare’s message. You are confusing Shakespeare with Gretchen Weiners.

“ I appreciate your work. But ...” Hahahahahahahahaha. Why don’t you just say “I’ll say something nice at first so I don’t sound like I’m being a jerk (but I’m really being a jerk).”

This gives me hope that one day, Barron may be a dreadlocked budtender freeganing his way through Tucson and giving long rambling interviews to whoever will buy him a beer.

I will ALWAYS ungrey Toby gifs!

lol is that rob ford? isn’t he dead? what’s the etiquette on this, can i still laugh?

I volunteer as tribute

It’s anorexia. I can always spot another anorexic. It’s not the weight. It’s the way you look in the face. And your affect. DM may be the type of anorexic who’s not weight obsessed but restricts when she feels “stress” (not realizing the stress itself is really just a fear of eating). That’s the sort of anorexia that

Weighing in as the neighborhood’s friendly dentist. She probably had cosmetic work done at some point weakening the underlying tooth structure and some combo of stress/diet/drugs either caused decay underneath which lead to fracture or the veneer came off at some point and then she broke the underlying tooth from day

What confuses me is that clearly she hasn’t had her own teeth for decades — those were veneers, meaning only the little stumps they attached to were left of her teeth. What did she shear off? What does “shear” mean in this context? Were they woolen, like after I eat spinach?