
You’re going to be so embarrassed by this some day you shallow thinking centrist shill.

Dear Z. Lova ya. But you’re not “not black enough to be black.” You’re just not black enough to play Aaliyah.

Lol. Way to prove you’ve learned nothing.

Bernie Supporters /Socialists are the most diverse political group in existence in America today, but keep erasing us leftist women/POCs. Lets see how that works out for you.

For one, he managed to be authentic in criticizing Hillary for being a bad candidate while Bee spent vaulable hair time making fun of Jill Stein for playing in a folk band and giving no credence to the populist movement that the Dems could have harnessed to win, but instead handed over to the Republicans.

I usually wait for people to apologize before I forgive them/give them the benefit of the doubt.

This is pathetic and you should be embarrassed to value your chuckles over the educational opportunities of hundreds of poor kids.

This kind of selfishness is why most white women voted for Trump.

“Problem kids”!?

This is embarrassingly extra lol.

Who said anything about giving my coins to white people?

They are black owned. Black people own the majority stake in the company. That’s 51% more black ownership than Pantene. Black people are being black people’s own worst enemy. Hold them accountable. Criticism them. But don’t try to destroy a black enterprise and give your coins to a white one because the shea folks

Sincere question: are we really saying it’s better to buy natural hair products from a white owned company (which primarily markets to white people) than a black owned company which primarily markets to black people but is dipping its toe into also marketing more broadly

Apparently it was pretty difficult for you to follow.


He was legal, a diplomat, and was granted immunity by the US government. So no, he suffered no concequenecs whatsoever.

As an American whose father was killed by an American drunk driver while living in a foreign country, I vote for progressive immigration reform. But thanks for trying to speak for me though.

I’ve seen no support for this statistic, but I have seen support for the fact that undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a rate LOWER than citizens.

Can’t be any worse than this one. And if it’s followed by a review as delightful then I fully support it.

People don’t understand how smart monkeys are. They are smart and kind of evil. They will steal your shit. Hide your wives. Hide your kids.