
They should kill him off (he was already the weak link) and have episodes about dealing with grief and Bow starting to date again.

If you live in NY you should come on my podcast/vlog and we should discuss.

Why are you shaming people who want to shave their peni?


Can it get you a minimum wage of 61 cents an hour in Haiti? Because Hillary can’t.

I was with you until the last sentence. Democrats have long taken their “low information voters” (e.g. low income POCs) for granted. See e.g. the failure to go after the banks which stole 50% of black wealth in the recession.

I love how democrats have no problem calling people low information voters if they are poor whites, but if you offered that as an explanation for why black voters in southern states early in the primary season didn’t vote for Bernie that made you a racist.

Meanwhile there was a lot of voter apathy for Clinton.

You don’t have to “sell out” vulnerable groups to effectively message. Obama was great at it. So was Bill. Hillary was not. So she lost.

She was 35. I’m 31 and I’ve already figured out how not to be a racial essentialist.

I love* the anti-semitic wish-fulfillment you guys are still conjuring in these-here comments.

While as an attorney who does immigration work I have infinite sympathy for the real and immediate harms undocumented immigrants are now facing, your comment is apropos of nothing and deliberately misunderstands what a “silver lining” is.

The younger generation (including the majority of voters under 30) supported Sanders.

What in the actual hell are you talking about?

The former :)

If Paris were anywhere as black looking as that redheaded daughter I would begin to believe she could be MJ’s bio daughter.

Exactly. Because “Hispanic” means Spanish speaking and is not a race.


That is an . . . interesting, er, compliment.

This made me so unhappy.