You can be a rapist or murderer and still make moving and poignant art, and the art community should rightfully be allowed to judge that art impartially and award it accordingly.
You can be a rapist or murderer and still make moving and poignant art, and the art community should rightfully be allowed to judge that art impartially and award it accordingly.
What is a necessary vs unnecessary rape scene? Real question. Did you see the movie? I did and was surprised (given the media negativity) to not find any of those scenes gratuitous. They were on par with the threat of rape that rightly pervades every slavery drama.
The team over at Someone’s Wrong on the Internet podcast (SWOTI) broke this down some months ago. Interestingly, the media went so far as to create a fabrication about the plot of Birth of a Nation (saying that he invented rapes as justification for the rebellion when in reality the motivation for the rebellion was a…
I assume you were similarly open minded about Nate Parker?
Because the media that was so eager to down Parker — going so far as to lie about the actual plot of his film (when there was plenty of truth to sink him) gave Affleck a pass. I wonder why.
What year?
Lawyer here — if you know of any openings at E News/Access Hollywood, please let me know. #interested
You: The pre-teens outside the 7-11 WANT me to buy them alcohol, so that means it’s ok that they drink it.
In what world are there never any tourists at (the tiny ass) Rockefeller rink?
I really don’t get the elitism angle on this one. Yes, Dalton is a rich school, but the story here is that it sucks to go to New York city’s biggest ice skating rink (it’s not some elite rink — it’s literally just the biggest one in the city) because it’s called TRUMP RINK. I was taken there on a date about a year…
People always fret over old people like Larry King having kids. But my father died when I was 15, and he had me at age 27, so *Kanye shrug.*
Wait . . . what debate is there to be had over slavery? And what exactly did you not want to talk about/admit to?
His district is 68% white. He’s from Minnesota. On what are you basing this statement other than the fact that he is a black muslim?
Lol. But let Susan Sarandon say this and the world crumbles down. Glad you guys finally understand what she was saying. No one wants this, but there might be long term positive outcomes.
This is amazing. You, sir/ma’am, certainly won with this comment.
You could try Google, but since you’re lazy and comfortable in your own misinformation:
Yes, that, of all things, is what you should be mad at the DNC about. SMH. Democrats deserve to lose at this point.
The painful irony is that unjustified hatred of him just like this is what put a hold on the groundswell of support he was gaining early on. It was a self fufilling prophecy: “oh he wont win cuz he cant win — ignore the polls that say otherwise! Polls don’t count . . .unless they favor Hillary! He’s too Jewish! He’s…
If she admitted Bernie was doing a good job, she’d have to reckon with the truth that the DNC was wrong to have actively worked against him (and in favor of Trump), and that the responsiblity for Trump’s victory lies partially at her feet as a member of the media who worked to pathologize Sanders.