It’s a perfectly good idea, but centrist democrats are so committed to not taking any responsiblity for HRC’s loss, that they spend 100% of their time angry at Bernie and the Russians instead of evaluating where the party went wrong.
It’s a perfectly good idea, but centrist democrats are so committed to not taking any responsiblity for HRC’s loss, that they spend 100% of their time angry at Bernie and the Russians instead of evaluating where the party went wrong.
Good to see you’re still putting your pettiness before the good of the nation. You and people like you are exactly why the Democratic party is falling apart. I can’t wait to let you and your status quo embracing, self-defeating ilk behind.
Rather than looking backward, she might consider engaging/helping with the disaster that is the present/near future.
If you want a mix of news and levity, try SWOTI (Someone’s Wrong on the Internet). On iTunes too.
Again, I missed the part where Jill Stein cost us the election, and not Hillary’s interventionist cruelty, her surpression of the minimum wage in Haiti, her financial entanglements with wall street, her failure to release her transcripts, her failure to campaign in Wisconson, her failure to campaign on a progressive…
Yeah, fuck those “black block kids.” You’re the real hero for donating your leftover pizza slice.
For someone who knows she struggles to make her hair look good down, why on earth wont she just put it up — especially when she’s spending the day outside in the wind and rain! The hat was sort of the right instinct, but just go whole hog girl. The sleek pony/bun/roll is your friend.
Oooh sick burn! White washing an entire political movement makes you so progressive!
Don’t you know? Being a sexual predator is only a career liability if you’re black.
I’m arguably the target audience, but this screen grab I’ve been seeing is some lilly white history revising looking BS and no one has time for that anymore. Do television producers not see how everything they do fetishizes white women? People are over it. No one wants to see a 22 year old in cute clothes pretend to…
Yes, it should concern you that you’re a sociopath.
What is wrong with you? This is why Jezebel has absolutely no credibility as a feminist website. A woman is roped, bound, gagged, and put face down in a tub, thinking she might be raped or never see her children again, but you take this opportunity to dig at a family whose show you’ve probably never even seen. And…
I so agree with every comment in this thread, BUT, I do think that her acting improved significantly in the reboot, and I’m hopeful. Plus I think this role might be weirdly fitting to her range. So fingers crossed.
Adopting a platform to win an election when you have every intention of abandoning it once you’ve gotten rid of the guy who actually wanted to enact change is not my definition of meeting goals.
Bernie’s criticism of HRC’s plan was that it didn’t go far enough. That’ sa position you can take when you’re running for the same job as someone. Less so when you’re just a cheerleader trying to encourage progress.
I’m a black woman who proudly voted 3rd party in NY and would do it again. I also voted Green rather than Cuomo. But I’m guess you’re feeling pretty sanctimonious about a twin HRC/Cuomo vote. The vote for “good,” right?
Well, now that you dismissed her and the entire Green party as a joke, I guess you really showed me!
It sounds like you don’t understand that voting for a third party had literally nothing to do with the composition of the house or senate. Until s/he tells you he refused to vote D down ballot, you need to choke on your own sanctimony.