
I was sort of with this for a while, but talking about class in conjunction with race is NOT what neoliberalism is. Neoliberalism is thinking that economics/free markets etc can SOLVE race. IT’s not doing the important work of unpacking how race and class work together to marginalize people.

Ignoring the importance

Oh, then you missed the part where he mocks “retarded” people. Lucky you.

I’m still waiting for the lifestyle site that promotes radical leftist politics rather than status quo champions like April Ryan

If you want to understand Cultural Appropriation, you must read the cover piece in the July/August edition of Current Affairs. It says everything you’d ever want to hear. Currently print only, but hopefully it will be up on the internet soon. (And if you cover it your readers will be get a taste even if they don’t

The ACLU wasn’t on the “wrong side” of that issue. They did the f*cking job jesus christ does anyone know how precedent f*cking works!?

This is the most reasoned take I’ve heard. There are legitimate criticisms to be made, but the knee jerk reaction in favor of censorship goes too far.

But this isn’t true of universal health care, free public education, antipathy for hawkishness etc?

Body “conscious,” I believe.

This was a really helpful primer on cultural appropriation — what it is and is not — I’ve been sending around.

White enough.

Well, I’m glad he was handsome and that’s more important that obliterating the social safety net and incarcerating people of color.

The contrast between your compassionate, reasoned posts and their defensive, violent, unprincipled, reactive non sequiturs is striking.

Hillary literally campaigned on a non-fly zone in Syria which was criticized for being a one way ticket toward escalation with Russia. And just before Trump bombed Syria she endorsed doing EXACTLY that. HRC mania depends on ignorance, that’s obvious.

Nice strawman. No one said they were equivalent. She said they were both lethal choices —which is true.

Lol at HRC losing to Donald Trump and you’re out here denying that they should’ve picked a better candidate. You idiots did this to yourselves, and STILL refuse to take any responsibility for your own failings. It’s pathetic, and it’s killing the country.

I’m supposed to feel bad when more 3rd party votes went to Johnson, there’s no way my NYC vote contributed to HRC’s loss, but the DNC picked the one candidate who polled with the possibility of losing to the most contemptable presidential candidate in recent memory?