
Well, now these upper-class children’s parents can spend their resources and time currently wasted on apartheid addressing the problems of schools which were formerly just a pet facebook cause and are currently of more pressing direct concern. Shit, so some lesser-income kids get to go to better schools and the

Lol by his own admission, his career “has surely benefited”from sexism and racism but if making things more equal takes away those benefits, that’s super unfair.

In case anyone doesn’t want to torture their ears so early in the day here are the lyrics. Jesus.

Well, despite the many, many troubling implications, she tells that story very well and keeps it funny throughout. Still. Gross.

I’m only halfway through the first video but I can’t stop watching. She’s not a bad story teller so far.

I think even at her most head over heels crazy about him she’d have to be delusional to describe DJTJ as a huge celebrity.

Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?

I had mason jars at my wedding 5 years ago. I have no regrets. I thought they were pretty, and beachy and contrasted well with other things we used as decor. I also had a strapless sweetheart mermaid dress that I still love to this day. If everyone else looks back on my wedding and thinks “basic” I don’t really give a

Instead of a wedding cake we put out mini black and whites on each table and had our caterer make us an oversized one to break in lieu of a cutting.

How has this video not gone viral?

This was about a year after he married Jennifer Garner...yikes.

Oh my god, Jujy. You can’t just ask someone why they’re in Dubai!

I had to stop after a minute or two - so gross - what a creep.

Helen Mirren has almost exactly the trousers I’ve been trying to find for myself for the past two years.

Except black girl+weave is never “automatically” considered hot. Being very light skinned and black is s closer comparison and it’s called ‘colorism’ , which is an insidious prejudice that does untold damage. It’s called a “preference” too. White people in general have yet to explore the the origin of their extreme

I think that was basically Hillary Clinton’s campaign strategy during the final days when even Robby Mook knew the game was up.

Yeah, he notes that he was 35, like the clock was ticking, but leaves out that she was not (she’s almost 10 years younger than him).

Sanders is still an ideologue like Trump or others in the GOP, he’s just one whose ideology you like.

Anecdotal, but it applies to my parents. Evangelicals, but also New Dealers (dad even voted for Norman Thomas) until the Nixon era.