Actually, its citizens like you and the rest of the Hillary shills who would encourage us to vote for anyone as long as they have a D in front of their names and are the lesser of two evils.
Actually, its citizens like you and the rest of the Hillary shills who would encourage us to vote for anyone as long as they have a D in front of their names and are the lesser of two evils.
People are going to take this the wrong way, but this is very real, compassionate, and good advice.
People are going to take this the wrong way, but this is very real, compassionate, and good advice.
Sounds dope AF
Did you actually see it? Because it was good. There are good ethical reasons not to see it that I respect, but you should’t believe the smear campagin that the media put out to surpress it. (A campaign which Casey Affleck is not subjected to, by the way).
Wait a minute. Do you know something I don’t? Because the rape happened, nearly a decade passed in which the woman did alot of living, including having a child, and then she committed suicide. How do you decide that the rape was “completely and solely responsible” for her suicide? It may or may not be, but that’s a…
It actually was a solid film: a film that did better in the box office than Moonlight even though the press panned it and wrote “doomed to fail” articles that depressed turnout.
Is, right here, is why there is a debate about identity politics. You are trying to shame people out of having an opinion about you because you’re a black woman. But that doesn’t insulate you from being wrong as hell.
Way to lie.
That image quote is facially idiodic. You’re not the ally you think you are. Way to ensure progressives never win elections. I hope you don’t belong to a marginalized group that’s actually hurt by your oh so brave stand against empathy and understanding.
I’ll be here for this when everyone starts condemining anyone who has ever quoted anti-black, little girl sleeping-with, Gahndi.
OMG That was her in Thirteen!? Mind blown. That film (and her performance) was amazing.
God I love her. Thanks for sharing. I was worried about her motives but I’m happy to see she’s not losing her integrity by aligning herself with the Dems.
You should feel really embarassed and stupid for writing that Stein ever said or thought Trump was “better” for America as a president. But what should I expect with fake news being so popular and all.
Literally all of these things execpt 9. That was the only thing she had going for her. And she overplayed that hand.(See 7).
Odds are 10 to 1 you’re a white woman. Righeous indignation combined with complete lack of self awareness is what got us here. How about you not “help” anymore by alienating everyone with this disgusting brand of #whitefeminism.
Exactly. Which is the argument we tried to make about Bernie during the primaries, to which HRC dems responded “you’re racist for saying the southern states don’t matter.”
This comment does a beautiful job showcasing exactly the kind of thinking that lost HRC the electio. Congrats! It’s your fault!
100% of this is factually wrong. I’d explain why, but I don’t have a spare hour.
So . . it’s done much worse than Birth of a Nation. Where are all the articles about how Moonlight was a box office flop?