That’s on you kid. Not Beyonce.
That’s on you kid. Not Beyonce.
He certainly gave some horrible press. But I did feel he turned a corner with the Ebony interview. It’s interesting to consider whether there is any version of an apology which we would accept. There’s a bigger question: as a society, are we ever willing to “forgive” rapists? Is it ok if we’re not?
Disagree on the facts — especially about the idea that “only the emails are legitimate.”
If spitting on another human being is anywhere in the realm of options that would even occur to you when dealing with an out of control person, we obviously have nothing more to discuss here.
No. Because the issue isn’t whether Biden could beat Hillary, but whether he would fare better against Trump.
Well, that’s not really the issue is it. That “not the savior” criticism has been lobbied against Stein as well, but it’s a strawman. The issue isn’t whether the alternatives are perfect, or “saviors.” The issue is whether they are better than, or in this case, less susceptable to criticism for their record/scandals…
The emails seem to validate that the DNC pushed for Trump to win as every other Repub option polled better against HRC.
I have a theory about this. Hear me out.
I think he kinda wants to tap that. Of course, he would deny it until his dying day, but I first got this sense when he had to compliment her at the end of the last debate. I think . . . he like-likes her.
Agreed. She did a great job. I’m no supporter of hers for policy reasons, but she absolutely killed it. Masterful. Perfection.
That’s fair. And I am hardly an expert, but even with what I know it would be tough to claim he has more baggage than HRC. And not to be crass, but with his tragic personal history and recently departed son ...
Yes. There are a huge number of scandals.
No, I’m not arguing that. But it’s obvious that you’re invested in arguing against that clearly absurd statement, so have at it. You don’t need me here to have fun debating your own straw men. Enjoy.
It is assault. It’s just not battery. Legally, assault doesn’t require contact.
I like this correction. I tried to make a similar point about one of HRC’s tweets a couple weeks ago in which she said ‘what kind of man says that to a woman” about Trump. And I was like, yes to the sentiment, but the issue is that he’s being an awful human being, not that he’s not being chivalrous. Others disagreed.
Totally agree. But why would someone’s response to a glass wielding woman be to spit on them? Something doesn’t add up here.
I mean . . .what’s the order of operations here, because I too would be out of control if someone spit on me.
And it would largely (more significantly in my view) have to do with the sheer number of scandals associated with HRC. She is a uniquely difficult to defend candidate — partly because of the length of her record that makes her so ‘qualified’ in other respects. This author perfectly predicted while HRC would have a…
Don’t you know that anything that isn’t an uncritical embrace of every thought that has flickered across her sainted cranium is “Anti-Hillary” around here? Sexist!
Respect, and hugs.