Lol. Good luck with your self described “Abuela” Hillary. And way to completely miss the point. Maybe you’re not being intentionally obtuse.
Lol. Good luck with your self described “Abuela” Hillary. And way to completely miss the point. Maybe you’re not being intentionally obtuse.
You completely misread my point and are arguing against someone else, not me. Don’t worry, you’re not the first. You wont be the last. Nothing you said contradicts my point.
Welp, nice to know you have no qualms lying. I don’t hate Hillary (was raised never even to use that word), so I know you’ll be able to find no evidence that I “hate” her on this website. I have objected to her policies, her record, and her lack of political integrity (e.g., making decisions based on political…
I think the idea is that if you’re sexually attracted to someone who is physically a juvenile, you’re a pedophile, which is a mental illness and should be treated with therapy rather than (or in addition to) prison. Meanwhile, since people hit puberty around 12/13, statutory rapists who engage with girls older than…
They it’s written is so vague that I kept thinking: there could be another daughter (or two or three) and we wouldn’t be able to tell.
There have been times recently when I’ve felt that Jezebel was trying too hard and “reaching” to me snarky about something when it wasn’t warranted. This is not that time. :)
LOL! I’ve gotta watch Bambi again. I feel like this is a very specific parental analogy that could come in handy again and again.
It is different in magnitude, but not in concept. You’re the only one “equating” them - probably because you have such a lose grasp of analogy.
I love how anyone asking about Hillary’s record is “violently anti Hillary.” Good luck #withher.
You quoted me but you can’t read the quote? I specifically said threaten “as bimbos.” So on a basic factual level, I didn’t say what you’re pretending I did.
This is sad. And exactly why I am moving way from identifying as a feminist.
Right. So why are you all out here criticizing Melania Trump for defending her husband in the exact way HRC defended hers? Funny. It’s like someone smart than you fed you this “Bill isn’t running” line, and you’re too dumb to know when it applies and when it doesnt.
Um, it’s not about what Monica. It’s about Bill’s responsiblity. 14 year old’s sometimes want to have sex with adults and don’t see themselves as vicitms. It doesn’t mean the older person or the person in a position of power (and, by the way, who was married) shouldn’t know better.
Yup. Same as HRC. Someone in the comments here is claiming that Monica referred to herself as a mistress, and therefore “admitted” she’s a bimbo. Lol. Good job “feminists.”
Right, so you didn’t read my comment. Cool.
This intentionally obtuse thinking is exactly why there is political deadlock. You’re no hero for being intentionally obtuse about the fact that people who aren’t liberals have legitimately held beliefs that aren’t rooted in bigotry. You and your “basket of deplorable” ilk are the problem with America. I can’t speak…
You have every right not to engage. If you do, I suggest you read carefully and understand that an inability to understand nuance is a sign of low intelligence.
Right, and similarly, it’s shitty to expect that Melania wasn’t going to defend her husband just like HRC stood by hers. That’s the point. The hypocrisy. The argument is that HRC should’ve played nice (though I think it’s curious she obviously #believeswomen selectively). The argument is that HRC supporters should…
You write like you’re disagreeing with me, but you aren’t. Both HRC and Melania reacted badly. Attacking Melania while holding HRC up like she wasn’t exactly in her position doing the exact same things is dishonest and absurd.
You just sent me a list of ugly ways HRC reacted toward women who accused her husband of rape, so thanks. I’ll add it to my list. Thanks for confirming my point.