
As a society, why did we ever do this to a female rabbit in a kids film? As a 30 something straight woman, I got a boner looking at this. Can women live?

Newport actuallymarketed to blacks a ton. Maybe your mom didn’t get Jet magazine.

Oh! You are so much smarter than me. I mean, I just hugged my laptop and assumed that “facts” would magically come to me through osmosis. It never occured to me to actual watch the debate! What would I have done without you!? Oh wait. I know. Be completely factually accurate on the internet.

She has not yet even mentioned the prison strike, which specifically implicates corporate interests in a way that generally criticizing mass incarceration (diagnosing a problem without offering a solution) does not.

Nope. I would love to see a debate question about this since neither major candidate has acknolwedged this is even happening.

If prisoners have the exact same rights as citizens, then why are we wasting money keeping them in prison in the first place?

You are the problem.

This is dishonest. At no point in this electoral season, including the debates, has anyone had the freedom to criticize Hillary without being labled sexist and even racist. (As a black woman, I’ve been called both). This was particularly true of criticisms from the left. To disagree with her was to hate women, and to

Lol. His “own little speech” opposing it? The one I linked above? You are such a waste of time.

Oh, you weren’t there?

Now playing

I’m so tired of this lie. 1/3rd of the congressional black caucus and Senator Bernie Sanders were opposed to the “tough on crime” provision of the Crime Bill. That it hurt black communities was not a complete revelation 20 years later. Savy people who resisted the powerful political influence of the Clinton’s knew

Now playing

If you’re in MA I’d seriously consider NOT voting for her and voting 3rd party. Glaude’s theory is pursuasive to me:

Estee Lauder Double Wear. Good coverage. Isn’t heavy or uncomfortable to wear. Doesn’t come off on everthing, lasts a decent amount of time. Comes in heavier coverage if you prefer. Good color match for me as a medium brown black woman (#5).

Estee Lauder Double Wear. Good coverage. Isn’t heavy or uncomfortable to wear. Doesn’t come off on everthing, lasts

Lol. No.

They look much less bad than I was anticipating from the pic before the click through.

Slow news day? Consider talking about the prison strike. Also, consider mentioning that neither Trump nor Clinton have so much as acknolwedged it’s going on. (Inconvenient fact: Jill Stein has).

I’ve never had athlete’s foot or a single bit of odor coming from down there, so maybe I’m not the one who needs to worry about their hygine.

I’ll be receptive to that analogy when 1) feet become regular carriers of samonella (or any other internal disease) AND 2) I eat off my feet.

Oh my sorry. I didn’t realize that being half white makes you not black. Someon really shoulda told Frederick Douglass’s former slave master. And being raised abroad doesn’t make you black? 31 years in I find out I’m not black! Wonder of wonders!