
. . . And?

I’m planning to watch simply because this girl is so beautiful. That face has been haunting me in the subway for weeks, and I’m here for it!

Surprise surprise. You have nothing more to say.

If you didn’t object for that reason, why does this have anything to do with you? Others did. Period.

Lol. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about NARAL’s follow up statement released a week later after Kaine reaffirmed that he supported the Hyde amendment:

Third time you’ve posted this comment. I don’t neceessarily disagree, but what’s your agenda?

You know, black people live in the south too.

Yes, he does.

Well, Kaine, like republicans, does support the Hyde amendment so, yay feminism.

Um, I’m black genius.

You say any centrist democrat would’ve been elected, but Hillary Clinton wasn’t. And why did she struggle? Because comparatively, she seemed much more centrist than Obama, who at the time seemed much more transformational than he does at the end of his presidency.

Um, no one has been talking about hating others. We’ve been talking about the postiive power of dating your own race or other similarly situated POCs. You’re the one who raised this crazy strawman that wanting racial community in your romatic relationship means you “hate” white people and/or are racist.

Actually, that’s a misquote.

I stopped after reading that you willfully misinterpreted what I”m saying about religion, you willfully ignored the point I made re judgment with respect for voting for the crime bill, and you pretended that hillary clinton is going to solve income inequality by “investing in education.’ Lol. Ok.

You can love who you want. I’m actually in an interracial relationship. But I also understand that black love is an expression of power. No one here is criticizing interracial relationships so I don’t know why you’re defensive. We are simply defending the OPs attack on the notion that preferring to date one’s own race

Next time you want to convince someone you don’t care about something, try not writing them half a dozen times.

I am secure enough that having something I like become popular doesn’t ruin it for me. I have no investment in being the only one who likes this poem. I’m happy to know that as many people as possible have had the benefit of hearing these words.

Well put.

“I don’t have a candidiate.” S/he says after berating me for not voting for Hillary.

No, I understand exactly what you’re saying, unfortunately.