
If that’s the case who’s worse: me, or those who spent their lives arguing against a comment which (allegedly) had nothing to do with them?

I’m not trying to prove a point. I’m trying to work toward a political candidate that doesn’t owe more to corporations than America’s poor, but I supposed I’m supposed to root for your comprimise candidate who will keep my family in poverty for the rest of their lives.

And that’s what you don’t seem to be hearing. It’s not about “percieved” anything. It’s about actual structural advantage. Structural “superiority” if you will. It’s not relative. You don’t get to decide it’s racism because someone hurt your feelings and race was invoked.

You’re the only idiot here to play with my dear. I hope one day you learn to put your own self esteem and personal truth ahead of white comfort. Though, this does fit nicely with your HRC standom.

So, you think not dating white people because you want to avoid racism makes you anti-white.

That’s not what’s happening here. You’re telling us that you think he should have continued to prop up an assuption of white superiority for the sake of not offending his fans. I’m telling you that it is empowering AF for him to not give a shit about what white people think. No one cares about PR, it’s it’s curious

It’s not helpful. Fun fact: POCs can get this wrong too. See the OP.

Good to know that you’re petty and base regardless of the subject matter.

Now playing

1) I don’t have to “back it up.” It’s a word with a definition that exactly fits HRC. If you don’t like it, then you should pick a new candidate. Your flip suggestion that I vote onlybased on a donor chart when I provided a donor chart as a piece of evidence which supports that Clinton is captured by corporate

Not bad for a 19 year old white male pedophile eh?

No. Racism is about power. But if you want to whitesplain away sociological terms invented and defined by people much more knolwedgable and smarter than you, I can’t stop you. I’m black after all, and only have so much power.

This movie is AMAZING. I dare you not to cry during the ee cummings moment.

No, but I have.

Oh my god you so don’t get it. Seriously, you are seriously whitewomanTM-ing right now.

I don’t hate Hillary. I also don’t mind political engagement. It’s easier to withstand criticism when you have the courage of your convictions.

I don’t, and never have, disagreed with any of this. Unfortuantely, this was not the argument being made.

This confirms exactly what just said. Thanks for posting!

Thanks! And excellent Roc gif!

1) Oh Clinton released a policy plan? I guess that means that poverty will get cured! Sorry to be glib, but surely you don’t think that we are going to be able to achieve economic equality under a procorporate neoliberal regime.

Ok so, if you think it was creepy my criticism was directed at you, because it’s puritanical, in my view, to percieve a normal biological arousal response as “creepy” just because a child is in the room when it happens.