
[N]o white actor could get away with what Smollett did upon being asked if he liked white guys, if it was about a black person.

I think it’s cute, but I can see how it can get out of control if there are more than 2 or 3 kids.

No. And now you’re just a boring pedant. So I’m done.

Too bad your statements of opinion don’t magically turn into fact just because you type them on the internet.

Few people were suggesting that his sexting indicated a sexual attraction to small children.

Literally no one is talking down to you. You’d know it if I were. I just sincerely feel sad that you don’t have more self worth than this.

Wow. This is so pursuasive. Your comment is having such a meaningful effect on my actions.

Yeah feminism! Because corporate capture isn’t a real thing if a woman’s doing it!

There is a strong argument that Obama could only have been elected in a post Bush world, so thanks for your solid argument that progressivism can only happen when people vote their conscience, status quo dems lose, and liberal backlash lifts up an otherwise unlikely candidate.

College kids, which are people aged 18 to 22 and who historically vote in lower numbers than anyone else, comprised a relatively small fraction of Bernie supporters. Winning the majority of the youth vote and having most of your supporters being youths, are very different things.

I still do think that the subtext of people’s reaction following the “kid text” which suggested that he was sexually attracted to or inappropriate with his son lacked any basis. Direct sexual engagement with a teenage girl is obviously horrible, but of a different character in my view.

This is a long way to say that you have accepted that the poverty 40 million Americans are suffing in every day is tolerable to you. I don’t mean that as a jab. It’s tolerable to most people. Many on this website have said explicitly “there will always be a black American underclass.” WIth that attitude, of course

Lol. Exactly. Good luck with that approach come December.

Right. So, you don’t know what irony means. Don’t feel bad. You’re in good company.

I’m reluctant to keep putting out personal information on here because I need to maintain some plausible deniability re my identity IRL, but it’s a major city that starts with a C. (I know that only narrows it so much in OH :)).

And any black person who’s paying attention will also know what another string of presidents like Clinton means that the status quo will persist into enternity, that corporate interests will never allow true economic equality, and that a large percentage of black and brown people will live in abject poverty at the

You’re right. I’m sorry I got caught up in responding to the avalanch of comments and forgot who I was talking to. I apologize.

Are you genuinely not familiar with HRC’s role in killing the social saftey net/the crime bill. No snark: I reccomend these two articles.

I’m actually not advocating that you vote for Stein in a purple state. No one actually asked me what I advocate. Everyone just assumed and attacked. I solidly respect the choice of those in purple states to vote for Hillary. I only home that those in red or blue states vote their actual ideals in the hope of sending a

My argument is unoriginal? Show me one article discussing how unfair it is to paint Stein as self interested in light of HRC’s well documented presidential aspirations. Do you know what irony means?