
I accept this view, as I did in my intitial comment that everyone decided to respond to without reading.

Do you know what a truism is? I was acknowledging that of course there are global effects, but that’s not what we were talking about.

Cool. My cousin spent a decade of his life (19 to 29) in jail for a minor drug posession charge. I just saw him for the first time since high school. That characterization that you say wasn’t a dog whistle helped lead to policies that stole his youth. But you’re probably right. I mean, who has ever heard of using

I bring up black lives, you ignore them. I bring up middle eastern lives, and you ignore them. I bring up the lives of the poor, and you ignore it.

Mercury WAS an issue. There were “questions.” That’s why it was removed. It turned out to be harmless, but she doesn’t deny that. (Ive seen interviews where she’s addressed this directly.) The point is that people were worried about the mercury, which, though ultimately harmless, wasn’t trusted due to well document

Let me break this down fo ryou.

Her “mercury in vaccines” comment was that mercury was removed from vaccines and that whole process encouraged sketicism among anti vaxxers. It was a call for transparency to make everyone more comfortable with vaccines.

Lol. American health policy is not global you nitwit. Saying vague truisms like “everything effects everything” does nothing but reveal how little you are actually trying to have a real discussion.

You’re right. I don’t know that you, like Hillary, chortled gleefully about the death of militants, or that you are enthusastic about the death penalty. YOu’re just hype about a candidate who is about those things.

I’m a raging liberal, actually, and voted for Bernie in the primary. I’m only more conservative than you if you go against the science on GMOs and the like (that is to say, if political ideology trumps the data).

And unlike Hillary and Barack, Stien has never doubted the efficacy of vaccines. She has only pointed to optics of corruption in the FDA caused by the organization being infiltrated by big pharma, and the fact those bad optics fuel anti vaxxers. But you’d have had to read her actual positions to know that.

I very obviously was talking about US rates because we are talking about policies that affect Americans. Our national heatlh policy affects Americans. HRC’s international policies affect the world.

You are very very bad at reading. But watching you argume with the fictional character you’ve invented is pretty amusing.

Oh, you’re actually asking what I think instead of dictating strawman views you can shout down? What a charming change of pace. Here’s your answer:

Apologizing can be the right thing to do while simultaneously not absolving the apologizer of responsiblity or criticism for consistently bad judgment and susceptability to racist pseudo science. #Nuance. Try it.

I’m sorry you’re at a place where you feel like our leadership is entitled to pathologize youths of color, and that you’re so inured to dog whistles that you can’t even tell when someone’s making a racial case against your people for political expediency.

Yes, it is different. And I 100% agree with that statement. Thanks for sharing.

I don’t have time to reply in detail, but it’s obvious you are just more conservative than I am, so your comfort with Hillary makes sense. Your post really clarifies exactly why I will never vote for Hillary. Hillary and Trump aren’t the same, but my political ideals are as distant from hers as yours are from Trump.

No, I live in a Blue state (as does my mother), so we, as per Professor Glaude, will be voting for Stein. My extended family lives in a purple state. I don’t dictate how they vote. Many of them appear to be supporting Stein, which I respect, but as I have also said repeatedly, I understand completely that someone in a

Thank you for not wholesale pretending that that section of my comment didn’t exist, unlike every other commenter here.