
Nor do I. Lying and gaslighting people to get there, however, is unconscionable. And more importantly, ineffective.

Pretty ballsy to admit to being so aggressively underinformed. And so bad at the interent.

This actually looks decent to me. Not in a “run to theaters” way, but in a “look forward to watching on HBO” way.

Guess you didn’t watch the green party town hall. (Or follow Stein in any way). Funny how it didn’t stop you from acting like an authority.

Yes, Clinton has tons of experience. Most experienced candidate ever by some measures. Your point is irrelevant and was never in contention. Interesting (defensive?) that you want to have a debate about Stein, but I don’t really care about your opinion on her.

Lol. Thanks?

To be honest, Stein could be completely anti vaxx and it wouldn’t bother me more than HRC’s interventionist policies.

I came to make a nuanced point, which I did above. It has nothing to do with getting people to support Stein, and simply notes that we can have a civil conversation in which we disagree about our candidates approach, but since they share the same goals, it’s disingenuous to claim that Stein is self interested while

Why would I have anything to say about Trump? Have you really bought into the propaganda so much that you think anyone who doesn’t support HRC actually likes Trump? This is just pathetic. And again, why HRC is losing. She writes off anyone who doesn’t agree with her as being in a “basket” of her enemies and doesn’t

Sexism! SEXISM!!!! You’re a sexist!

Well, I’m not trying to convince you to vote for Stein. I know Stein isn’t going to win. But you’re desperate to keep HRC from losing, so maybe you should try some empathy and respect. You dont’ have to, but it’s your election to lose.

Obviously. Very obvioulsy. But with all the things to criticize about him, lazy journlism means that we get an article about this instead of substantive analysis of is platform.

She’s literally never said that. In fact, she tweeted recently about her frustration that people seem not to be able to undersatnd her very simple and oft repeated refrain:

Wait. I don’t like Johnson at all. I think libertarianism is the height of selfishness, and no one over the age of 19 should ever find it appealing in the least.

Actually, Hillary has been pandering for decades. Notice the gap between 2008, when my quote was from, and her recent remarks put forward only in response to Stein. Stein did it for a month or so and quickly clarrified. But I know apologies only work for Hillary (she’s not racist now guys, she said she’s sorry for

The irony of you claiming that I think I exclusively care about the poor, while I’m actually here commenting on an article to say that it’s unfair to think that only Hillary can care about what she’s fighting for, is too rich.

We are saying the same thing. I did want to make her/him feel badly to seee if that was possible. The person didn’t feel badly, thus confirming that their humanity cannot be appealed to in the least.

What are you talking about?

Riiiight. Hillary can say I’m sorry and “clarify” her remarks, including her racist “superpreadtor” remarks, her efforts to destroy the social saftey net, her lobbying in support of the crime bill, and pandering to anti-vaxxers. But Stien’s subsequent clarifications are no bueno.