
I know you don’t. I wanted to see exactly how callous an unwilling to relate to another person’s humanty you could be. Thank you for confirming that you are a truly base person.

Enter Lua with the declarative opinion statement offered up as fact. You’re so beautiful. Never change.

My dad’s been dead for fifteen years. But I’m glad to know you’re still in touch.

Good luck getting disaffected liberals to vote for your candidte. LOLz. This right here. This is exactly how HRC treats people to don’t fall in line. And this is why she is losing to the biggest imbicle the world has ever seen. Nothing is happening that she hasn’t brought on herself.

Oh my god. Ok. Well, I’m not in the mood to go through this again, so I just leave HRC’s “questions” about vaccines here for when you want to stop being a hypocrite and actually engage with the fact that people are dying and you want to quibble about semantics. I hope all those Honduran children HRC made refugees and

No. You very very literally missed the point. I am not here to argue about the merits of the candidate. We are never going to agree. As long as that’s what you keep talking about then you categorically are talking past me. Words have meaning kiddo.

How do we stop this thing that’s unfurling exactly as predicted? Well, going back in time and making it so the DNC/HRC (they’re one and the same after all) didn’t spread false narratives about how racist/sexist Bernie suppoters were and ask the media to deminish media coverage of Sanders who, despite having

Way to miss the point entirely. My thesis is short and stated twice. But that wasn’t enough to get you to listen instead of reacting in the frothy mouthed way HRC supporters do to any mention of Jill Stein.

Thanks for writing three paragraphs proving you didn’t read my comment.

Way to completely miss the point. Was it satisfying articulating your completely unoriginal view into the void?

You’re acting like people don’t have legitimate critiques of Stein.

That’s not the issue at all. The issue is the author’s suggestion that Stein is doing it exclusively for self aggrandizement. According to this piece, you would think that HRC is immune to “attention and praise.”

Lol. How about it’s just racist of of her (and you) to assume black people should get over being so roundly dehumanized because she said sorry — not to mention that her husband defended the remarks post apology. (Yeah yeah it’s sexist to even mention her husband. It’s not like spouses communicate with each other or

Everyone’s political positions are superficial and baseless except yours!

I’m a woman. And black. But thanks for confirming every sterotype about HRC supporters and the false narratives about Sanders that put her in the position to loose to Trump.

I’m sorry I confused you with another writer. So many similar media fed narratives they all blend together.

Cool story. I guess your anedotal evidence (which I acknolwedge and respect as your experience) completely cancels out mine. How could we have two different perspectives of the world? I mean, is it possible that black people aren’t a monolith!? What a facinating notion . . .

I have no idea what you’re talking about. You might have replied to the wrong person.

Well if that’s what you think, I guess I’d better go reevaluate my whole life.