
You should probably relax. I am more than entitled to respond to whatever comments are of interest to me, just like you are entitled to go around telling people that I’m not really black. Also, I love how this is where identity politics are. You need me to be white so badly because your brain can’t handle a given set

Voting for a third party is voting for a third party and no one else. I support their decision. Maybe if your party listened more to the poor you wouldn’t feel the need to try to prostheytize to people in internet comments because your candidate can’t beat the least qualified candidate in American history.

Who on earth said they were ignorant? Certainly not me. I solidly respect and stand by their opinions. Your insinuation is insulting.

Sure there is a difference. But unlike most white people who are just now realizing that racism is rampant, I’m not confident that overt racism, to which the white majority responds with disgust, is more dangerous than the Clinton’s slowly dismantling the social saftey net and increasing the number of incarcerated

Ok Eileen. If that’s what you need to believe. Like most white people, you are deeply invested in the notion of blacks as a monolith, and selectively listen to black voices when the prop you up.

Not those under 30.

Exactly. I made the same point above using poor black family members (who are voting for Stein, not Trump) and was told “fuck my family” and that they are “stupider” than I am by SheeshTheseNames and co. My point is that we need to listen to Trump voters, including white racist ones, to understand what’s motivating

Just disrespect to mine, right?

Lol. Still talking town to black people who don’t agree with you huh? I guess they must all be trolls and not desperate people willing to do anything to get the sincere intention of the democratic establishment. Maybe if you patronize them some more they’ll change their minds and vote for the status quo that’s kept

Obviously his view is subjective. But it has all come true. Which lends it some credibility.

Wow. That’s persuasive. I’m sure this Trump supporter completely changed his or her mind because you screamed at her/him instead of listening to him/her and asking what his/her motivation is.

Not to mention the 6 year olds in America, most of whom are kids of color, who suffer unthinkably right here at home so middle class white kids can enjoy the privilieges of the status quo.

Why would I be interested in Gary Johnson? Just because the democratic narrative is that anyone who doesn’t vote for Hillary is a secret conservative, that doesn’t make it true.

You chose to ignore the substative narrative analysis I sent along with the poll which explains why Hillary doesn’t do as well against Trump, and which has been proven true by the past few months.

I have attempted to change literally no ones votes. You are arguing with me to change mine.

Nope. That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that there is a non-privilieged argument to not voting for Hillary. You and the rest of HRC supports and staff ignore this. And it’s to your own detriment.

No one said Bernie was “owed” the nomination. But many people, including DWS, felt that Hillary was owed the nomination, and her actions got us where we are today: Struggling to elect the candidate who polled worse against Trump than any other.

And? How does that contradict what I wrote? They were dismissive of the perspective of my family, who are poor black people. Do all poor and/or black people feel as they do? Of course not. But in response to a plea about the poor being ignored by both political parties, I was met with glib dismissal.

We were having a conversation about Baraka’s “Uncle Tom” comments and TRT attempted to derail the conversation. I gave a detailed explanation as to why I did not have a concern with the Uncle Tom comments which TRT ignored in favor of a list — a list which is so laughably full of falsehoods that is beneath me to even