
I take nothing for granted. Nor am I speaking for all poor people (or black people). I’m just reporting the perspective of some hardworking, extremely disadvantaged people whom I happen to love and respect.

Thank you for showing yourself.

A start would be undoing the damage of the Clinton whitehouse with respect to social programs.

I was actually very clear to tell you to correct me if I was wrong, because I did not want to jump to conclusions about your race.

My comment does make sense. You simply misread it.

You’re hardly the first person to be dismissive of the poor and people of color. This attittude is exactly why HRC is currently losing in the polls.

You’re not the first person to dismiss the needs of poor black people. That’s exactly why they are voting the way they are.

Right. So, that attitude and level of concern about the poor is exactly why they won’t be supporting Clinton.

This is alot of condescention and ire directed toward a family who, by your own account, is experiencing a great deal of trauma, and about whom you know very little.

Yes, this is acknowledged.

Well, I am black and I still cannot imagine the conditions this group of people live in that would cause them to double-down on their misery by risking a Trump presidency.

So, you don’t think Obama has sold out to white America? Are you black? Because regardless of the esteem many of us still hold him in, he has, on multiple occassions, played neutral peacemaker in contexts with a clear right and wrong — much like the media has been treating Trump’s and HRC’s failings with false

Yup. And 40 million Americans, including my family members, have existed in multigenerational poverty for which there is no end in sight. This includes black Muslim and gay family members. And I respect their priorities. It might be hard for you to understand since you favor a candidate who literally scoffed at the

So, I am not my family. I don’t live in Ohio, but in a very blue state.

Why would that be a problem? Because you think that black people don’t have critical reasoning skills and slavishly follow Obama like an idol? Obama is wonderful in many respects but imperfect. And many of his actions have catered to a need to legitimize himself and yes, pander to white audiences. For someone to point

I guess my black Ohio family memebers who are mostly voting for Stein don’t exist because Your Personal Experience TM.

Hollywood executives are writing Jones’s jokes?

Half her schtick is about how white men don’t want to have sex with her. It’s one of the several reasons I find her comedy unwatchable. I don’t know why she wants to give whie men that much power. No one gives any fucks about their racist gross asses anyway.

Not so different, but yeah. Hilary didn’t start the birther rumors is the point. I got confused because of the other biggoted anti-islamic rumor Obama’s campaign claims she started. My B.

By “sourced” it I mean I don’t care who took the photo or why. I don’t care because it doesn’t surprise me that a republican/racist would circulate the photo. It does bother me that Hillary’s campaign got a hold of it and used it to similarly prey off of people’s islamophobia. It doesn’t matter where she got the