
I’m reporting what the Obama campaign said. They believed it was Hillary.

Yup. Like I said. You’re right that the photo Clinton’s camp leaked in order to prey on people’s islamophobia has nothing to do with Trump’s seperate birthirism which preys on islamophobia. Two different bad acts. My bad.

You’re my fave. Never change.

You’re right. I got confused. She spread rumors that he was muslim in an effort to discredit him, but she didn’t start the rumors that he wasn’t born in America.

I don’t care who sourced it as long as it wasn’t stolen from his private laptop like a sex tape. What’s relevant is who circulated it and for what purpose. The Obama camp thought it was HRC, and she gave an incredibly disingenuous response which makes me suspect she was involved. No matter, I agree that this isn’t

That is a very reasonable and accurate statement. Unfortuantely, admitting as much earlier this week was impossible for HRC supporters on here. We didn’t have to pretend pnemonia was equivalent to a sore throat or that it couldn’t have been serious to convey that HRC was in all liklihood healthy enough to be

Of course. Each of those things you mention are serious for older people (or very young or otherwise imunocomprimised), but can also be non-serious.

That’s true. It expressed general “outsider” sentiment with heavy “scary muslim” overtones but wasn’t explicitly birthery.

Of course that’s true. But sometimes it is. Even admitting as much means you’re a Trumpian around here.

Of course! That isn’t the issue though Lua. But why should I expect you, of all people, to be anything other than reactionary and rude.

Yup. That’s not at all the issue here. Of course we know HRC’s isn’t serious. But the left is so invested in pushing back against right wingers who want to claim she’s dying (she’s obviously fine) that they are ignoring the reality that pneumonia is always somewhat of a risk in certain populations, including the

Is anyone offering context for claims, which came from Obama’s own camp, that it was Hillary who circulated that photo of him in Somali dress back in ‘08? That’s what I thought Trump meant by “she started it.”

I think he was talking about this:

Unless you’re Hillary Clinton, in which case it’s sexist to talk about Pneumonia as though it could ever be even a little bit serious.

I only want to have a child if it’s a daughter and she’s exactly like Tracee Elis Ross.

Lol. And I’m the one with the straw man?!

And the thing is, there are millions of women walking around that are beautiful in similar ways who no one ever recognizes, because so much of this is about framing. It’s like post modern art. Until we see someone on a screen framed as beautiful and in beautiful clothes and on the cover of magazines, its as difficult

I came down here to say exactly this. I am obsessed with that man and his Gallic cheek bones.

Of course. lol