
That’s not how that works.

Yes, that is exactly why I’m doing it. I’ve been pretty explicit about that and the fact that I respect folks in swing states who feel like their vote might have a negative impact that they can’t personally live with. My position is Eddie Glaude’s:


No one is complaining about inaction. We, at her urging, actively intervened. We funded murder.

I totally hear that.

Yeah, that would be the part which I said was irrelevant. Way to dodge the issue.

Lol. Way to cherry pick “ambition” from “umbridled ambition” as well as “greedy” and “not transformational.” But I forgot, your a Hillary supporter so everything boils down to rah rah sexism! There is a sexist part of this email. This isn’t it.

Of course Jezebel focuses on the least relevant emails and ignores the meat and potatoes because *gasp* it is critical of their fave.

I’ll go!

Look at what irredeemable means: not able to be saved, improved, or corrected. If you think someone “cant be saved” you’re writing them off. Period. You can still support HRC while admitting that she made a bad choice of words which, if she really believes it, would portend an inability to make policy for all


I love when white people think they are progressive heros for silencing minority voices. Good job. You’re right: your shining white opinion matters so much more than my sorry little black one. If it helps you feel better about yourself to pretend I don’t exist, knock yourself out.

You just ride that wave of white selfrighteous rage all the way to the bank.

They should start with the poor. There are more of them. And they need more help.

God you’re basic. Try reading.

Why would you think that Hillary Clinton would appoint anti-death penalty justices?

Interesting that you think being a leader to all Americans means “kowtow[ing]” to them. I would hope that the American President could be the bigger person and take on leadership responsibilties even when they are distasteful. But I guess we have different standards in the integrity of our presidents.

Ok. So you think the American president should write off any segment of the population she finds distateful. Good to know. I disagree.

Ok internet person. You would know better than me. You wont offer proof becuase there is none. You’ve made this claim before, but you can’t substantiate it because it’s a lie.