
Uh, no.

Somewhere someone is saying the exact same thing about black people.

I very much did read her remarks. That you don’t have a problem with them is galling.

Way to miss the point.

My vote will signal to the Democratic party, who will win by a much lower margin than they should, that they shouldn’t back a moderate candidate when the people so obviously wanted something different. Your vote will gurantee that my people continue to constitute the bottom tier of America’s racial caste system until

I’m exhausted by this logical fallacy you guys all fall for which says “if someone else was jointly responsible for something bad HRC did, then HRC can’t be held responsible for it at all.”

Cool. My candidate can’t get elected. Your candidate can, and my substantive criticisms of her stand. That blood will be on your hands.

You: “I can’t find it in me to fault either lady for speaking some angry, unfiltered truth. Like the deplorables were ever going to vote for her anyway.”

The only time I accused HIllary of pandering was to Anti vaxxers. I think you need to re read my comment.

Who exactly is doing that? Oh right, you just want to be indignent and self righteous so you’ll make up an argument to knock down. Well I’m with you! It would be absurd to blame Hillary for someone hanging her in effigy. Lets take our pitch forks and yell at this imaginary nay sayer together!

I must have forgotten all those accomplishments. It’s hard to keep track when I’m running back and forth western unioning money to all my relatives in the midwest who got kicked off the “welfare reform” she so strongly advocated for, and who struggle to get work as ex-cons who have been out of the job market for

I’m sorry you feel that way. Again, I hope you consider taking the time to read that brilliant article. If not, then that’s that.

What a loss for me not to have to listen to your pleas for me to help you with your reading comprehension.

The part where we’ve all been trying to reach out to and bargain bigots and that’s what’s caused them to rise up like this.

Interesting that you consider going undercover to identify civil rights violations in 1972 as “pandering”

Welp. Ok. I extended an olive branch. You showed yourself. Have a good day. I hope you consider reading the article written by the brilliant sister I posted.

As a medical doctor, Stein became increasingly concerned about the connection between people’s health and the quality of their local environment, and decided to turn to activism in 1998, when she began protesting the “Filthy Five” coal plants in Massachusetts.

The most sane, caring candidate is Jill Stein. I will be voting for her. (I have a hard time believing, for instance, that someone who cant bring herself to say “Palestenians deserve human rights” is the most caring candidate.) But I respect your choice to vote differently.

I came here to give you this link to let you know where I’m coming from out of a sense of sisterhood.

You and your subjective opnions aren’t the issue. The president, who is responsible for their lives (and who also happens to heartily support the death penalty) — her opinion matters.