
“Iredeemable” means: not able to be saved, improved, or corrected.

Wow. You sound identical to Romney.

That’s fundamentally untrue.

Yes. Because they do. They are human beings. If you think otherwise then why aren’t you advocating that they be executed? My god you people are animalistic and base. As a humanist, I believe all people have value. And the president, regardless of her moral belifes, has a responsiblity to all Americans. If she can’t

Lol! “Writes off the rich.” Now that’s rich. What does that even look like?

Cool. You think the American president has the right to write off members of the American public as “iredeemable.” Makes sense that you would be ok with this if you’re ok with a candidate who can seriously put black and brown youths in an iredeemable basket as “superpredators.”

I disagree.

Her name is Jill Stein. Look her up.

Who is making excuses? Apparently you think the American president has a right to ignore the needs and basically write off as "iredeemable" certain members of the American public. If that's the hill you want to die on, go for it.

There is. Her name is Jill Stein.

Actually, my comment is about the president not writing american citizens off, as it’s their job to look out for the lives of all citizens.

It’s coddling the worst of the worst for the American president who is responsible for the lives of every citizen to have a basic respect for their humanity and not call them “iredeemable”?

Are you Arab? If not, how dare you try to use fear tactics to get this person to vote against her convictions. I’ve noticed that it’s mostly white people trying to pressure people into voting for HRC claiming “What about the minorities!?” Some of us minorities are not scared by Trump because we’ve seen this kind of

Of course you care. But you have a world view which considers the short term election “win” is the most important thing —even though history has demonstrated that regardless of who is in office the poor — particularly the poor of color and the incarcerated poor — are ignored. My world view believes that more

Lol. The point of the reading is to answer your own questions. You’re the one who is ignorant re the facts you’re looking for. Not me.

Winning is the most important thing to you. Improving the lives of my family members and our decdendents is the most important thing to me.

I think the American president, who is responsible for the lives of every American, should not consider any American citizen irredeemable.

My argument: The American president shouldn’t write off citizens as “irredeemable” or “deplorables.”

If you blame the Republicans and Democrats then you cannot say that it was Nader’s fault. Full stop period.

My candidate stood in solidary with Native Americans to protest evironmental and cultural warfare. My candidate says that the current prison system is nothing more than a derivative “chain gang” and debtors prisons and stands in solidarity with the prison protests that are currently ongoing. Your candidate took money