
Maybe you should read her full comments. I put the word “iredeemable” in quotation marks for a reason.

Lol. Assume away. Not everyone exists in your “never trump” binary.

No. I think he dislikes liberals because both conservative [sic, sorry] and neo liberal economic policies ignore economic inequality. He is obviously poor and undereducated, and he has misplaced anger about his lot in life. The answer here is not to write him off, but to make sure his children have a better life so

No. Naming has meaning. Considering juvenile defenders “superpredators” was wrong because it meant they were “irredeemable” and ok to ignore. Calling people “deplorables” (as a noun, btw, not an adjective), writes them off as worthwhile. She literally said they were “irredeemable.” You dont try to do good by people

I’m from a blue state and will not be voting for Hillary, but I respect people who want to make a different decision. What I don’t respect is pretending that there aren’t negative concequences for voting for HRC, just as there might be (in some states) for voting for her.

Wow. As a black woman, I hope to god she spends a good deal of time trying to understand those things, as they directly impact my ability to live a healthy and safe existence in this country. I also hope she helps to assuage some of the real issues faced by some of the angriest people in this country, because getting

Obviously not. But thanks for wasting my time with this absurd line of “if trump exists everyone else must be infallalbe” reasoning.

Thanks again for showing that no HRC supporter will ever substantivly engage with criticsm of their candidate, no matter how mild.

1) Strong disagree. Clinton supporters don’t engage with this at all. Like, none. There is zero acknoledgement (or even basic knowledge) of the ways she has negatively and violently affected foreign governments. If there were, I would be more comfortable with most HRC supporters. But it is obvious when you bring up

Holding her accoutable would be saying “hey, those comments were inappropriate. I’m glad she walked them back. Also, I’m not comfortable with many of her consertative and interventionist policies, but I’m going to speek out about them and make she she knows that she wont have our support if she veers right.”

Aaaand you shouldn’t be president either.

Independent voters voting for Nader had no reason to vote for Gore. Democrats who voted for Bush did. Gore’s inability to get them was the issue.

Well, your comment didn’t respond at all to my criticism, but ok.

So, you’re unable to address a simple criticism of your candidate without simply claiming “the other guy is worse.” Classic.

The American president should call any American “irredeemable.” You can disagree, but it’s not going to win her any votes.

Except she didn’t. Hence my ability to use quotation marks to highlight where she erred.

And it was highly unlikely that the 47% was ever going to vote for Romeny. But his remarks, which suggested he would ignore this constituancy, were highly inappropriate for that reason.

No, she talked about “supporters” not beliefs. No president should consider any of her constituants “irredeemable.” To do so means you don’t care about helping them, which is, in fact, your job — no matter how distasteful you find it. It’s a really ugly thing to say on a humanistic level too. I get that it’s

Ugh. Of course. She’s exactly the kind of Liberal White Woman TM I suspected she was.

Stein doesn’t pander to an Isreali apartheid state, will recongize that Palestienians are people with rights (a simple statement HRC wouldn’t cop to), does not support war, a no fly zone, or interfering in the ability of other nations to self govern (see e.g. HRC surpressing a minimum wage raise in Haiti, or helping