
This is terrible! Especially since 100% of HRC supporters know who David Duke is! Your anecdote proves the rule!

I’m black female and a Stein supporter. People like you, no matter how well meaning, ensure that the democratic party never has to take the needs of the black community seriously. All they have to do is be better than the othe rguy, and with someone as blatantly racist as Trump afoot, that means in this election cycle

Woah! You think Clinton is going to be at all accountable for her foreign policy?! She isn’t accountable now for the multitude of horrors she is already contributing to (e.g. Lybia, Honduras, Haiti), so what makes you think anything will change? She’s more dangerous because she’s smart enough to be untouchable. I am

Uh, black americans are not a monolith. But thanks for speaking for us random internet person.

No, the position of priviliege is being able to ignore how politics as usual sentences an American underclass to another few centuries of living in abject poverty in the richest nation in the world.

I have a uterous and am black,and the person you’re talking to is Arab-American, but nice trying to shame people into voting for your race baiting (haven’t forgotten 2008) pro-incarcerationn war mongering, brown people killing candidate using identity politics.

What about a Harvard internet commenter?

And millions voted Republican. So what? Democrats aren’t entitled to those votes, and they similarly aren’t entitled to Independnet votes. It’s the democrats who voted for Bush who are the real “traitors.” And I don’t even blame them, because votes are here to be earned. No one owes bad candidates anything.

Great. Your moderation is sentencing families like mine to another half dozen generations of poverty, but I’m glad your happy with preserving the middle class at the expense of actual equality.

If Trump wins it will because the DNC cared more about coronating Hillary than nominating a candidate with the best chance to beat Trump under every poll and available metric.

You might want to get your facts right about Nader.

LOL. The woman who writes off human beings as superpredators and “irredeemable . . . deplorables” is the humanist hero now? This POC knows better than to think that just because someone knows not to be vocally racist that doesn’t mean that she will magically enact any meaningful change for my community. Being better

Another strawman. Who says she isn’t? Way to avoid substantive engagement.

Nice strawman. Fall is the right time of year for ‘em.

And you don’t get to pretend like generations of moderate neoliberal candidates doesn’t mean that millions of largely black and brown people (as well as poor white “deplorables” HRC discounts as “irredeemable”) live in abject poverty.

It’s wrong because the president of a country shouldn’t consider any of her constituents to be “irredeemable.” The President is president of all Americans, and the idea that some would be shuttled off in a basket and considered too far gone to consider is troubling — no matter how deplorable their views are.

Considering people like this to be “irredeemable” and “deplorables” is not a presidential attitude. She has to lead the entire country — not just the parts she likes or respects. She should focus on the beliefs and attitudes that are deplorable, not the people, and try more to understand where this negativity is

Wow. Sad.

Yes. Jonthan Chait and others have written article after article about how she was right so this isn’t a big deal and we should all just move on. 90% of the comments here are antagonizing someone who dared to simply say she handled this badly and should’ve been upfront with the pnumonia to begin with instead of

I’m truly sorry you have to live as you.