
I love Pitch Perfect, but both 1 and 2 were cringe inducingly offensive to POCs, and handled the lesbian character quite badly as well.

I can’t wait to watch this

I hate to break it to you, but using “Trump supporter” as a conclusory insult does not constitute an actual argument. Hillary Clinton better learn this fast before she loses the election.

Amazing! That lil biscuit knows how to PERFORM.

Totally willing to help with this, er, homework.

Who are you talking about? Because I certainly haven’t claimed that she is frail or sickly. (She is elderly. All the candidates are according to the WHO who sets the cut off at 65). In fact, I’ve said specifically that this is probably not going to be serious due to the quality of medical care she will recieve (though

I’m a black female leftist but sure. Believe what you want. My liberalism and commitment to my community exactly why I wont sentence the 40 million American poor to continued suffering under the moderate middle class pandering policies your candidate brags about while shuffling “superpredators,” and any other

That’s actually dramatically untrue. You can be critical of your candidate and still vote for her. Also, 40% of Americans dont’ vote, and third party candidates have captured about 12% of the vote.

So you admit that she can do or say anything and you will remain uncritical. Cool. I guess you get points for admitting that you have no integrity.

Ok. But we are talking about her. Trump has nothing to do with it. Everyone who criticizes Hillary isn’t voting for Trump.

Her being sick wouldn’t have mattered. But obfuscation combined with her suppoters’ inability to acknowledge any mistep does matter. The first is an integrity issue that feeds into the perception that she is untrustworthy. The second dissappointingly confirms that her supporters, like Trump supporters, are uncritical

Pneumonia can be very serious for the elderly. You can pretend it’s not, but it is.

Came here to support an exercise in courage. But NVM.

This is a fine position. But people unwilling to admit that she is sick at all or that fainting on an 80 degree day is normal are making HrC supporters sound insane.

In all fairness, those women were standing in direct sun on a hotter day (in the 90s) for 4 hours perfectly still without moving. Buckling under those conditions is common — especially if you haven’t been trained not to lock your knees. A close friend of mine in the navy says they really stress the knee thing when

I obviously can’t and don’t know if she’s on the brink of death. She very well my be fine. Sometimes people faint. But it’s a very different level of concern when an elderly person faits vs. a 20 year old. It just is.

Like Hillary, fine. Think that this fainting spell wont affect her presidency? Fine. Think sick or not she will make a better president than anyone else? Fine. But don’t pretend this is nothing. You don’t know that. You might be right. And it shouldn’t change anyone’s vote as long as the only other option is Trump

It has been hot. But then the weather broke, and it was lovely. Weather can do that. You know, change.

Some might think that a presidential candidate’s job includes helping to draw attention to harms that are befalling vulnerable groups she has long pledged to help in any way she can.

You’re right. You don’t get my comment. At all. That’s ok. But I’m not really in the mood to explain right now.