
I found Bieber rather likable in this clip. As a black woman with natural hair and dark skin there is defintely a kind of man that will avoid eye contact and look right through you as you’re trying to talk to him — who will be visibly uncomfortable around you.* I wasn’t getting this from Beibs here. Low bar, I know,

My Draft:

Maybe you’re from the Gawkerverse so you don’t know, but that’s not how we play around here.

The only place I’ve been hearing about this is on twitter. Stein’s twitter feed to be specific. But I don’t have TV so maybe my perspective is skewed. The point is, however, is that Stein has been talking about this for weeks, so pretending like she is a johnny come lately and being mad she showed up,w hen no similar

Lol. No. You have started with a strawman. I never said any such thing. Only HRC supporters speak in such purely relativistic terms. You do so because all you got is “she’s better than Trump.” So you focus on he being “the second best in american history” (which is, in fact, patently false — although I’ve never said

Nice strawman. You’re officially the only person who has mentioned wifi on this thread.

Before you capitulate to the “Never Trump”-ers, consider listening to this. You can read it if it’s faster.

Thanks for showing yourself.

Another HRC supporter who can’t say anything other than “anyone but Trump.”

What other “miscue” are you referring to? I only know of this one. Also I’m the one assuming it’s a staffer. But if Stein is so under funded that she did this herself, even more reason that this isn’t a big deal.

It’s pathetic that you’re so insecure about your candidate that you can’t just give props where props are due and move on. Pathetic but unsurprising given who you’re backing.

And I choose to percieve her reluctance to come out in favor of gay marriage into the actual last moment — two years later — along with her statements about Nancy Reagan’s support of the gay community and her leaked email expressing her discomfort with making passport application forms gender neutral to suggest, at

If you followed her campaign instead of sniping at it out of ignorance, you would know that she has been talking about this and focusing her social media attention on this for some time. Your criticism should be lobbied at the media for not caring until she physically showed up.

Oh I listened. Her platform sounds fine. But I’m a little concern given her aggressive lobbying to “end welfare as we know it” and incarcerate all my superpredator relatives, so pardon me if I take her newest poll-driven approach with a grain of salt.

Lol. Ok, her mere presence is making it about her. We wouldn’t evne be talking about this if she weren’t there. But lets keep talking about this if it makes you feel better about your pro-fracking fave.

A week ago the news cycle chose to cover the fact that she flew to the wrong city two hours from her destination as though it was an indictment of her personhood rather than a screw up by her staff.

And Back Lives Matter isn’t? Ok. Good to know.

Hillary Clinton 2016: Leading by concensus.

Yeah. Stupid white Hillary for talking to BLM. Stupid white Bernie for being the first to take them seriously. Stupid LBJ for eventionally listening to MLK.

Criticizing the method is the number one way trolls manage the cognitive dissonance they face when they know they’re on the wrong side of history.