
Interesting. I hadn’t read that. Fogle might be one of the worser examples. That doesn’t change the statistics I posted. I have no investment in Fogel. But the myth that sex offenders are the worst recidivist hobbles policies that would make us all safer.

Nope. As I’ve written dozens of times, this is inappropriate and gross. But to the extent some of the backlash (and cps involvement) appears to stem from people not liking a father having a sexual response while near a child — even if it’s caused by completely outside stimuli and the kid is unaware — I object.

Yup. No one said it was “incredibly low.” People projecting that on to my cut-and-pasted statistics is exactly why folks have gotten their assholes into a knot.

Sounds like you agree with me. My comment was about people who are insinuating that his son is a piece of his arousal. There are many.

If you don’t think my comment applies to you, then why are you responding to it? If it’s not about you, sit down. I think it’s gross too, which you would know if you actually read what I had written instead of getting in your feelings.

Ok. We don’t agree. But you’re entitled to your opinion.

Yes. Lets take all the children away from all the fetishists. Anyone with non-vanilla tastes whether it’s bondage or just doing it with the blinds open. And how about we take the kids from the gays while we’re at it!

Ok, so based on this photo alone, you agree that there is no suggestion that this child is in any way “endagered.” Great. Glad we came to that conclusion together.

Sure. It is creepy and beyond stupid. My knee jerk reaction was “gross” too. But seeing as how the kid is asleep and he doesn’t actually appear to be playing with himself, I imagined the following scenario:

So, I don’t disagree with any of this except that CPS involvment appears, from the facts available to me, to be an overreaction with potentially significant concequences.

That can be said for any crime. The point is that relative to other crimes, recidivism is lower. Not really sure why this is so contraversial. Facts are facts. It doesn’t mean pedophilia is good or something we don’t have to worry about. Nor does it mean that prison “cures.” All it means is that statements like the

They ARE here to look into people who make terrible decisions when those decisions involve children.

Can you put into words how this child’s welfare is endagered outside of an insinuation that weiner would sexually molest him? Because I’m not seeing “exposure” to sexual sitations. He’d have to see it to be exposed. And what he would be seeing would have to be a sex act — not just a bulge in his father’s pants.

My facts are coming from class taught by the former head of the American Psychiatric Association at Harvard Law.

God bless you and your intellectual dishonesty. Yup. I love pedos.

If it’s not clear to you that this is a personal opinion and not a mandate that CPS stop their work immediatly on the authority of internet commenter BIVYg then you need to get out more.

Taboo is complex. Wanting to have sex with your boyfriend in your mom’s bed doesn’t mean you want to have sex with your mom. You get off on being transgressive. It’s pretty obvious that he’s turned on by the idea of being aroused when he shouldn’t be. That doesn’t amount to sexual abuse, and seeing as how the kid is

Yes to the first sentence. No to the second and third. I agree with the fourth.

Those stats aren’t “incorrect.” He didn’t specify “pedophile” he said “people like Fogel.” I vaguely remembered learning in law school that commonly accepted conceptions about recidivism in sexual crimes were wrong. I googled and pasted my first hit. It was broad but conveyed the point. The OP and I had a plesant

If I knew that your collective ability to reason by analogy was so limited, I would’ve said “people today living in america have sex with their five year old children in the room because they have limited space and it’s not a big deal.”