
I’m not sure anyone actually thinks this expressed sexual desire for his own son. However, the willingness to take and send a picture of a clearly sexual nature with your son in the frame shows a clear disregard (or lack of understanding) for appropriate boundaries, and also a lack of self-control.

Sure. If there’s something they know that I don’t, I of course would want them to pursue it. All I’m saying is if it’s about this photo, it’s asinine.

I’m pretty sure the sleeping child next to him has no conciousness of how much blood was in his dad’s penis at the time.

No. You have missed the point. The point is that a poster commented that he was concerned about Fogel getting out since recidivism rates for sexual predators is relatively really high. I corrected that poster, saying that in fact, recidivism rates for sex offenders is relatively lower than average.

The photo is creepy. It is inappropriate. Don’t disagree. Not at all what my post was about.

Well, in the past it was very common to sleep in one room. But of course it still happens today as I explained to someone else inthe thread. But that’s not the point is it. The point is that you’re so uncomfortable with sexuality that you can’t handle the idea of someone being turned on by sexts while a child is in

Thanks for being the 1000th person to raise this point which is directly addressed in the article. Thanks for wasting everyone’s time.

I absolutely have a problem with his actions. If I were Human I’d be furious, and as a voter I am deeply dissapointed. But I do have a problem with CPS being involved? No. CPS being involved implies that the child is in danger. And why do you think people think that? Because he is being beaten? No. Because he is being

Yup. That’s the same.

You couldn’t have missed the point more.

How about this: people still have sex with their babies and small kids in their rooms. All the time. People keep newborns in their rooms to make nursing easier. For months and years. I just saw an Apartment Therapy post about a family in Brooklyn with limited space who split the master room with a partition and a

I didn’t say what did wasn’t subjectively (IMO) wrong. If I were Huma I’d be livid. My comment was about CPS and whether this is “creepy” in a pedophile way.

I mean, I think the fact that he’s sending them is a huge judgment issue, and the fact that he KEEPS sending them speaks to a sort of compulsion, but I agree that the real issue is how Huma feels and not that he is particularly deviant.

Well, I corrected a false statistic about sex offenders having the highest recidivism rates (they dont), but if you think I’m now a peodphile knock youreslf out. As someone who has more insight into criminal defense than you do, I have what is called an informed opinion rather than a “lets grab a pitch fork” approach

I totally agree with you right up to you thinking CPS needs to get involved. It’s not just a casual thing and can have far reaching professional concequenecs. Certainly that shouldn’t stop legitimate investigations, but this couldn’t be a more clear cut case of someone who isn’t attracted to kids or directing sexual

Having a boner isn’t “act[ing] out sexually.” Call me when he’s masturbating or doing somethign more than being hard — something that most 13 year old boys experienced in public multiple times in their lives.

Having a chubby in your own house lying next to your child is only creepy if there is some suggestion that the child caused the chubby. In this case we know it was caused by the adult woman he was sexting. Also, the child is asleep, and furthermore, having an erection is not “adult sexual behavior.” That kid will have

Only in puritanical America would a grown man being aroused by texts from a grown woman while lying next to a sleeping child be construed as that man’s sexual desire for his own son.

The article addresses that. It’s a pretty obvious thing to have to factor in.

The article I posted addresses that. It’s a pretty obvious thing to have to factor in.