
Nope. It doesn’t. It doesn’t help your argument so you’re ingorning it, but that “first of all” simply preceded a number legitimate accomplishments you’d prefer not to recknon with.

Good luck with Matisyahu. I don’t think you’ll get very far though. They are more concerned with coming off as zen and claiming higher ground than acknolwedging the substance of what is being said. I’m not saying it is a troll, but if it were, it would be masterful.

Hm. I disagree. I think the black and white misses the opportunity to show the beauty of the tattoo. Plus if you’re going for the contrast between a pregnant woman and all the suppositions of innocence and maternity around that with the grungy dark nature of a tatoo, making her seem angelic draws out that contrast

I thought this was a great outfit. It 100% deserved the memes, which I enjoyed thoroughly, but I thought it was beautiful and avant garde and the gloves were a great touch.

I’m black! And I agree whole heartedly. I’m not seeing any such hate for similarly situated white teens. I’m pretty sure attacking any 15 year old child in this way would be seen as poor form if they weren’t black — regardless of how dumb they sounded. Willow is 15! And in this case, these kids don’t sound dumb. If

Take it up with wiki. Regardless, the fact that she was even nominated for myriad awards proves my point. What’s yours?

Who said anything about it being more praise worthy? The question was “what have they done” that distinguishes them from an instagram star. I answered. That’s it.

“Reasons” for what? The question was “what have they done.” Try to keep track of your own snark.

I hope you achieve it five minutes from now when you actually read this thread and realize you picked a fight with me for the sole reason that you misread who I was responding to.

Yup. We need to both have basic reading comprehension. Let me know when you’ve got that down.

How about you try using google. It’s readily avialable. The BET awards 2011.

Dude/woman. You literally couldn’t even follow the comment thread. My “asshole” comment was replying to a completely different person than the one you’re defending. Take a knee.

No. But thanks for insinuating yourself her without any knowledge of what I’m referring to, and no humility about that fact.

Two of the most beautiful children that ever happened IMO. And this cover is stunning.

There’s something reassuring about realizing that the same commenters are consistently assholes from thread to thread.

For starters, they are the children of two famous people who we care about, and being an extention of them is already more than someone who is famous for just existing. More importantly, however, both have put out highly acclaimed music, Willow won best new artist for Whip Your Hair, and both have acted in several

It’s pretty obvious from context that she doesn’t mean “society” in a literal geographic sense, but rather was (accurately) reflecting on a lack of community — an absence of regard for fellow man.

There’s not a single thing here that sounded weird, wrong, naive, or which merited the level of snark thrown at them. The only one that comes off puerile after reading this interview is the author.

Praise black Jesus.

What does your strawman have to do with this discussion?