
Says person lowkey invested in getting the last word.

If you think an hour is a long time to sit while you’re having your hair done you’re obviously not a black woman who was once a black girl.

That you don’t get that this white tears ass response is exactly the problem is the best teaching tool available for anyone reading this thread.

Yeah. It’s pretty clear you don’t know what a safe space is. So maybe you should be quiet and listen instead of begging everyone on the internet to hold your hand while gaslighting them.

No. But that you jumped to that illustrates pretty well that you haven’t a clue what a safe space is. That being the case, you should probably withhold judgment.

Um. Non sequitur much?

That’s what everyone’s safe space is. The difference is, when your a minority or a woman, we don’t get that in a class room.

So, you had a safespace, liked the safe space, found it helpful. So what’s the problem?

I do it to minimize splash back.

You’re asking the wrong question.

Right. Protests and counter-protests and letters to the editors and round tables discussions are the way it has always worked, even back in the dark ages.


Thank you as well. I guess I would just leave off by saying that even if trigger warrnings are not really ‘used’ per se by most students who need them because they are accustomed to trauma, they aren’t hurting anyone, so it’s a win win.

Right. Or I can stay, as I did, and have a lower quality educational experience than white people get to have, and you can continue not to care about that fact because you’re a racist.

Isn’t it? Isn’t it amazing how so many of us go through the exact same thing, yet when we voice our concerns and some thoughtful administrators respond, the university of white figure heads assume we must be making it up because they don’t personally share those experiences?

Lol. You literally don’t know what the first amendment entails. You probably shouldn’t try to lecture a lawyer about it on the internet.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything.

15, 20, 30 years ago most parents themselves had not been to college. My mothers mom would never have called college on her behalf because she wouldn’t have had a clue what to say. She had never been to college, never visited my mom in college, never supported my mom in college. It was anathema to her. Things are

You’re describing a situation in which you have instituted trigger warnings, but are put off by certain white, usually male, students who abuse them. You say that the people who need them never approach you about them. But doesn’t that mean they are working?

If you made an attempt to translate your last comment, you’d discover that you said absolutely nothing of relevance or value.