
You’re not a moron because you disagree with me. Who can say the exact reason. Environmental most likely.

evolved into a place where people are too afraid to say anything

Yes. I’m a black woman who has spent 7 years in higher education.

Yes. And? The students don’t have the power to ban anything. This is all an issue only because administrations don’t know how to grow a back bone and do whats right on a case by case basis. It doen’t matter if people protest if you’re strong in your conviction that you’ve done the right thing. People protest chalk

Hi! Yes! Nothing remarkable there! Do you have an answer!?

You: Policy making is hard so lets just not have policy!

Nope. Other people cited studies that show the opposite.

If you wanted to take a stand and stay there would be nothing they could do. You left because you felt pressure (or, unlikely given your comments, out of a sense of respect for other people’s feelings and common decency). No one’s rights are violated when a person voluntarily leaves in order to make people more


That would be a problem whether or not someone used the word “safe space.” Safe spaces are not the issue.

You know how to handle the trump “protests”? Ignore them. You don’t outlaw medical care because one student brings a fake doctors note to get out of class.

No, you cited the fact that science doesn’t understand something. Science seeks to understand the unkown. You use the fact that something is unknown as a solution in and of itself. That’s the most anti science thing you can do.

I’m sorry: how does including a warning on a slyabus or at the top of a class discussion create “an impediment to discourse.”

Right. You still have no basic reasoning skills and are as literal and dense as your name is excellent.

If you don’t have the ability to teach your students and ignore invalid claims then that is a reflection on your ability and your ability alone. If a student brought in a fake doctors note to get out of class we wouldn’t say we should get rid of doctors. People will abuse systems. That’s not a reason to get rid of

Right. So trigger warnings never caused any harm but you’re out here on the interent wetting your pamper over it. Thanks for the clarification.

False. When Republicans complain about gays “taking over the TV” and having “lifestyles” forced on them and “fake” diversity in historical films, they are bemoaning the loss of their historical safe space in which the notion of white male hetro superiority was never challenged.

That was a safespace for you, but not a black student. A black student’s entire college experiences is justifying their presence to a bunch of “well meaning” white kids like yourself. It’s not our job to teach you. I’m glad you were able to grow, but it shouldn’t be at our expense. We need spaces where you’re not to

An “intellectural safe space”

That the university experience should be a safe space free from harassment, micro aggressions, rape etc