
I really hear this. Excellent comment. But here is a question:

How do you feel about this?

The issue isn’t the difference between the acts, which are obviously dramatically different. One is posession and one is assault/homicide. The justice system treats these differently.

Honestly, this violent crime/non-violent crime distinction is bullshit. You think the 17 year old caught for selling drugs and in posession of a gun can be rehabilitated? But the 17 year old who actually uses that gun in a drug realted shoot out can’t? You think someone who deals drugs that result in so many deaths as

So what does he have to do to earn it? I’m really asking. I thought his statement above was very good as far as these things go. That doesn’t mean he deserves forgiveness from the family or anyone, but either we think everyone that commits a crime is garbage and should be summarily executed — why bother with prison? —

Uh. No. I put alot of thought into what an effective PR strategy would be, because what he has said so far is so dissapointing. You know nothing about my life and my experiences, and I suggest you check youreslf before you dare to call a random woman on the internet a rape apologist. You are the problem.


And Allen wasn’t convicted soley because they didn’t want to put Dylan through the ordeal. So?

On what planet are the dozens of (ALWAYS WHITE) actresses in Woody Allen movies torn to shreds? I don’t seem to recall Meryl Streeps career suffering.

Were they able to refuse sex with their masters? No? Then rape.

Yes. Also the relationship between prisoners and guards. No consent possible.

Fuuuuuuck. How did I not know this?

This is more than art though. This is political. When black people have as many opportunties to make movies that accurately express our lived or historical experienecs, and when hollywood finances and respects our stories as frequently as they do whites, and when we achieve some sort of reprsentational parity that

What do you mean? At the time he admitted that he had sex with her. His defense was that he thought it was consensual. Whether or not they were justified in doing so, the court agreed. Do you want him to admit he was wrong to think it was consensual (obviously the victim didn’t think it was) or do you want him to

Right. Even more evidence that she has always known and been consistent about the need for vaccines.

No. Stein pandered and then later released a more clear statement that you refuse to acknolwedge. Clinton did the exact same thing. Clinton’s statement was a much more agressive dog whistle that actively suggested that the science was unclear on the link between vaccines and autism. Because you’re too dumb or lazy to

If everyone who hated Clinton and Trump voted for Johnson and Stein than Johnson and/or Stien would have a legitimate chance of winning, yes. Only 9% of the populaton voted for Clinton or Trump in the primary.

You seem to be suggesting that you think the only thing keeping Stein from truly competing in this race is money or voter awareness, rather than her utter lack of governing/legislative experience or actionable policies. Which is a curious takeaway (and my original point)

That’s patently false. Clinton has not made a declarative statement along the lines of “vaccines do not cause autism.” She has said “everyone should get vaccines” (as has Stein). There’s no difference. The definitive lack of quotations on your part demonstrates as much.