
You mean Sextina Aquafina?

It’s that they’re made by people laboring under the delusion that an animal who talks is in itself funny. News flash: It is not.

And used a racial epithet against (half) latino Zimmerman. :/

Wait: the guy used a racial epithet against Zimmerman? Why are inconvenient facts trying to interfere with my shaudenfraude?

The real problem here is that he neglected to mention my favorite gay cartoon character.

This is adorable.

I don’t have anything against Ariana. I enjoy some of her songs. She has a nice voice. But I don’t get this insistance on comparing her to black singers with infinitely better voices than she has. It’s like she’s the great white hope or something. There are many other white singers with amazing strong voices, but they

What you seem to misunderstand is that Bernie doesn’t have to be perfect. I’m not claiming he is. HRC supports like to claim he is as a strawman: “If Bernie isnt perfect then you must support Hillary!” Bullshit.

Do you think people get points just for saying “I don’t like this” when they agree to do something bad in order to also get something good?

No. He did not comprimise he stance. He cast a vote in favor of something he maintained he did not support up to and throughout the vote because the bill was joined with a bill that he could not ethically justify not voting for. Hillary, by contrast liked the bill, lobbied for the bill, and continued to brag about the

NO! Clinton SUPPORTED THE BAD. She thought the crime bill was good until THIS ELECTION CYCLE. She LOBBIED for the crime bill portion. Sanders LOBBIED AGAINST IT. This is very simply black and white clear logic. That you don’t understand this is mind boggling.

So. . . you’re just chosing to ignore the evidence I posted that it is MORE DIFFICULT for international students to get into school.

Welp, that would be stupid and wrong. White people seem to think that going with the majority of black people means something, as though black people cant be a captured political group (duh we are!) who are uniquely suseptable to influenec do to respectability politics and the need to show we are tougher on our own

Yeah, I know. Who told you that black people could never be wrong? Do you know who objected on the same grounds as Bernie? 1/3 of the CBC. My mother remembers this and objected to it as well. Which is part of why she didn’t vote for Clinton either time.

Now playing

Blah blah blah see response to other people in the thread who made this same tragically uninformed argument. While Sanders was arguing against it for all the reasons it took Clinton 20 years to realize were problematic, she was out here calling black kids super predators. She wouldve voted for it if she were, you

Like I’ve said, I respect anyone who is actually living on the margins who is not willing to risk it all. However, many of family members who are working minimum wage jobs and are struggling with poverty, feel differently. I live in a blue state and can saftely vote my conscience. They live in a very purple state, and

You have never acknowledged my original and primary point - that Trump could usher in an era of real political violence

You’re right. I misread your point re her progressivism. But like I said, it doesnt matter. It features not at all in my argument. You keep bringing it up defensively. It is a completely irrelevant semantic argument.

I was talking rhetorically about “your” (read “my”) children. I’m black. 45.8 percent of our children live in poverty. I used that exact number elsewhere in the thread. I rounded up here.