
I apologise for my reaction. I had already responded several time saying that I made a mistake and apologizing. I read your comment as a pile on —especially since you’ve been particularly aggressive in other threads about other subjects.

Actually, the chicken thing is offensive. I think he’s clearly trying to reference the KFC buttons about Hillary: Two breasts, two thighs . . .you get it. It’s pretty vile.

Lol. You think criticizing suicide bombers is punching down?

Key word: “all”

Today in an ironic twist, a HRC supporter accuses someone of gaslighting. I’m not surprised you’re familiar with the concept after doing it to Bernie supporters for the last 6 months.

Way to put words into a WOC’s mouth (she never said only a black person could represent her interest) and then whitesplain* about what is racist to her.

Who said you don’t vote?

Anyone who is still making this argument is a hilbot. Sorry, but I’ve been on here commenting too much and too long to draw any other conclusion.

Wow. You’re doubling down on the idea that bullying is ok. Cool. Way to show the world who you are.

It amazes me that this comment got so many likes. I’m going to have to write an opinion piece about it. I literally refenced gender not at all but in typical HRC fashion, people are super excited to claim sexism rather than engage. And you wonder why WOC have made up their own word for feminism so as not to have to be

Punching down is always wrong. It is. If you don’t think so you’re a bully. I don’t fight with bullys. But again, that you are one explains why you’re so fond of Hillary.

Well, I live in a blue state, so it absolutely isn’t. But doesn’t it feel good to get mad on the internet for no reason? How about you read about a voting strategy that will help the democratic party become more progressive in the long run instead of taking pot shots on the internet.

Thanks for saying something a half dozen other people have already said, and which I whole heartedly agree with. Now, did you have a substantive point or no? As is your screen name seems apt.

1) Disrespect was white people who threw food and bodily effluent at black protestors. It was threatening them with physical violence. It was making craven statements about their worth as human beings and hurling hateful and pejorative words. If you think that chanting about economic justice is disrespectful, your’e th

I’ll tell you! As I said above, if my comment were erased, it would be consistant with the erasure of voices of color and women who disagree with HRC’s campaign (a la the “Bernie Bro” label). It would reflect the conditional nature of minority conclusion that has always been the case within the democratic party. Note:

I love the irony that it’s the so called “femnist” who have made a campaign slogan out of misgendering people.

What does your race have to do with the fact that you were too lazy to read a thread before commenting on it redundantly?

Try thinking about someone who has less than you do for a change, for instance.

Oh my god this is so lazy and entitled. Please read the rest of the thread before you barge in with points a thousand people have made already and which I’ve addressed.

This is not hindsight. I regret to inform you that your vote for Hillary was grossly misinformed. I reccomend reading this: