
1) When did doing something right in your life mean that you were forever above criticism? When did it become the case that it meant that you could never again be on the wrong side of history, and that you should never be subjected to protests by people who are fighting for econmic equality — somethinghis mentor Kingdi


Youre a lawyer right? Why can’t you see the logical fallacy of what you’ve said? This isn’t a court room if you haven’t noticed. I don’t have to argue my point to you. And you damn sure aren’t a judge (or anyone whose opinion will have a substantive effect on my life). But since you need everything spelled out for

What are you talking about. “It’s right there in your own post.” What is this alleged red herring? You think representational politics is what’s important here!?

Tell me one time Trump has ever used the phrase “economic justice”?

First of all, it’s not a zero sum game. The quetsion isn’t “advocate for change at the executive level” or “work to change the party system.” While the latter is pursued, it is of course incumbant on us to get the two existing parties to put forward the best possible candidates. They will not consider the needs of my

You’re right. Which is why I didn’t say I wanted him to be president — I just said he’d be better than Hillary. Maybe you couldn’t read what I wrote clearly because you were too busy planning to write a snide response that made you feel good about yourself?

I continue to be the only vocal minority there, which is the point.

I’m sorry for my overraction. I was fielding five comments a minute there for a second and my frustration was building. A whole bunch of people seemed to misundertand that comment as me thinking that breaking up the banks would cure racism, rather than my point, which is that she was downplaying economic justice (e.g.

Lol. You’re the one arguing with me. You need to figure out why.

Oh my god you’re at work! You must be the only one! LOL.

Well, no. I don’t assume your gender. But I guess?

Lol! So do I! I’ve replied to nearly 100 comments today. But you don’t have time to read an article.

I’m not missing that point. I dont disagree with it. So what are you arguing about again? What does that have to do with whether or not we should break up the banks?

I don’t believe in moral bullying and I’m sorry i’ve enaged in it. From my perspective its defensive. I don’t actually think I’m making a better moral choice than the never trump crowd. I think EITHER choice is morally problematic: the people who would vote for Hillary are kicking the can down the road on millions of

I am the one interested in helping people right now. You’re interested in helping yourself.

Oh. My. GOd. You are so off the point of the conversation that its beyond trying to argue with you. I don’t disagree with anything in this comment. What are you even saying?

Who knows what my motives are! No one could everknow . . . unless they listened to me and clicked on the link.