

Oooh. What an adult burn.


You’re implying that Jill Stein isn’t a viable electoral choice because of this one issue. I’m objecting 1) on the grounds that she doesn’t actually espouse the views you claim, and 2) the alternative “liberal” choice takes dozens of positions infiniately worse, so that even if Stein actually didn’t believe in

And here comes the “ideological purity doesn’t matter if it was going to be difficult to do the thing anyway.” I mean, it was so unlikely that we were going to end slavery. What does it matter if a candidate is for it or against it?

How convenient. Now that your fave’s VP choice confirms that her claims about being great for women are empty, we don’t think VP choices are significant.

HRC supporters calling anyone elses candidate an egoist should be put in the dictionary as example of hypocrisy. You are so lacking in self awareness it’s amusing.

I agree those issues are super important! Too bad your candidate showed herself in her choice of Tim Kaine hyde amendement supporter, and her support of welfare reform which crippled low income women in their ability to secure jobs.

I love to start the week with a misgendering from a so called liberal. Can’t wait for this new HRC led era of feminism!

Why bring up Hillary Clinton? The candidate whose supporters are attacking Jill Stein because they are afraid their corporatist choice might lose to a raging bigoted narcisist of people actually vote their conscience!

Yup. It’s only screeching when the other side does it. Same with war, immigration, corporate waste of poor communities etc etc etc. Hypocracy isnt’ a good look on you.

Ok. Keep falling on the cross of vaccinations. I’ll be over here concerned about the kids from Honduras who are refugees as a result of HRC’s direct action, and about whom she declared “send them home.”

If you don’t have a problem with the ethics of withholding fundmental govenrment benefits like food and housing from the poorest among us for because of religious or other deeply held beliefs that’s on you. I hope you’re never in a position of power to do so.

Um, no? General commercial litigation. But thanks for asking! Looking for a reference?

If that’s what you mean by “mandatory” vaccinations. Stein supports them.

Sure. And I don’t know that Stein would disagree. But the concequences of calling someone a quack becasuse they dare to question the pharmasuitical industry and because they want to maintain certain individual freedoms is scarier to me than a measals epidemic.

Her voice isn’t low. It’s average. And she does “screech.” Her unmodulated “emphasis” voice is screeching. When she talks in normal tones its fine.

Incorrect. I’m dating my first six pack. It is wonderful. He looks beautiful in all clothes. When he sits, his stomach doesnt bulge out like a normal person. When I touch it, even right after a meal, it’s hard and ripply like a rock. It’s beautiful and I look at at it and touch it all the time. We go running topless

Are you serious? I majored in a hard science. I am a lawyer. I care all about logic and critical thinking. And I care very deeply about science and the scientific method. I believe that everyone should be vaccinated.

The issue is that she doesnt modulate. She didn’t start low and get high. She only has two settings, and she’s set to high most of the time. She doesn’t know how to make an emphasis that isn’t aggressive. Aggression is good sometimes, but messages are often more palatable with a smile (male or female). Compare Obama’s