
It’s not her “voice.” It’s the way she speaks. It’s only really an issue when she’s giving a speech. She has one mode: authoritative. Which is great 90% of the time. But even men know how to soften. She doesnt. People say this is sexist and that men aren’t judged for not being able to soften. I disagree. For sure the

I think that last point is so right. I have some weight goals right now because I’m competitive and having an external metric can be good for me at times. (I’m training for my 10 year college reunion). But generally, I don’t believe in weighing yourself for that reason. Taking picutres of youreslf or tracking how fast

So much of this is about gut health. Probiotics and avoiding gluten and dairy (most of us, esp non white people, are lactose intolerant but we don’t realize it) are so crucial.

How old are you? And have you ever been chubby? I feel like if you never put on the weight it’s easier to maintain. If you’re a man under the age of 29 ... just give it a year or two :)

My boyfriend is like you (at age 31) but he’s a real outlier in my experience. He’s naturally quite lean but he also works out (hard)

I deal with this myself. My stomach is relatively flat, but I am very rectancularly shaped with a short torso, so anything I eat makes me look 4 months pregnant. I know it helps me to avoid gluten and diary — especially dairy.

This is part of the issue. I’m lecturing both you and myself right now at the same time.

Welp, I explained it to you in great detail but you prefer to patronize me instead of listening.

Actually, it seemed she was choked up when she came out, and I though that was the most moving part of the whole thing. I don’t support her on a policy level, but understanding her human story and how long she has waited for this while her husband had the career she dreamed of, it was really moving to see her

I think no one should use the word shrill because it’s loaded, regardless of whether it’s accurate. (Like calling a black person “articulate”).

What’s important to me:

False. Her hair looks AMAZING right now. And did you see that blush last night? Perfection.

So is Michelle Obama a “simpering priss”? Because everyone is in agreement that she sounds strong and confident and inspiring and warm all at once. And she’s a black woman, so there is alot more baggage in terms of her being read as “angry” or shrill.

She does dress herself pretty well.

He was very natural and good on SNL.

I still live for that Natasha Beddingfield song. It fuels my workouts.

Ultimately we chose the best option for the amount of space available in the program.

It’s hard to take a picture of the candidate when the candidate wasn’t there. They prioritized having an actual picture from the DNC. You can fault the choice but not the motivation.

Her hair looks great like this. It’s her best look IMO.

In all fairness, I think the issue was that she wasn’t there last night, and they wanted a picture from the event. The USA Today used the only possible work around for a photo of Hillary, and it’s not a great photo. I think the ones with the women supporters are the best bet, but this really isn’t about trying to

Well, I do dobut it. Neither of can say for sure. It’s a gamble and I respect people who don’t want to take that risk. I live in a blue state, so it’s not a risk for me to vote my conscience. So I’m doing so. I wouldn’t judge anyone else for behaving differently.